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  • mfinke Friend


    this is my site:

    I use K2 and the jce editor.

    I wonder why my text is bold when i insert the read-more link in a article.
    But its just the text before/above the read-more-link…
    There is no “strong” or “b” tag in html.

    Are there any ideas to solve this?


    Phill Moderator

    Unfortunately, I cannot replicate your problem. Your site looks fine to me. Can you post a link to a page with this problem and possibly a screenshot detailing it.

    mfinke Friend


    the problem can be seen here

    The following text is bold (but shouldnt be!) : “Hier sehen Sie Darstellungen von Werkstoffen, Arbeitstechniken und Geräten der Stein-, Bronze- und Eisenzeit.
    ==> after this text, i inserted the readmore-tag.

    html looks fine – no strong or b tag:

    <p>Hier sehen Sie Darstellungen von Werkstoffen, Arbeitstechniken und Geräten der Stein-, Bronze- und Eisenzeit.</p>
    <hr id=”system-readmore” />
    <p>Viele originale Funde und einige Kopien vermitteln einen lebendigen Eindruck. Kulturelle, wirtschaftliche und soziale Veränderungen der Vergangenheit sind anhand von Bestattungsformen, Gefäßen und Schmuck erkennbar. Überregionale Bedeutung als herausragende Zeugnisse dieser schriftlosen Zeiten haben der Türlochstein von Altendorf und der Menhir von Istha.</p>

    this is an example page without a readmore-tag:

    Phill Moderator

    The class “itemIntroText” has been applied to that text.

    Phill Moderator

    <em>@phill luckhurst 197050 wrote:</em><blockquote>The class “itemIntroText” has been applied to that text.</blockquote>

    Please PM me your admin logon details so I can take a look.

    mfinke Friend


    if anyone has the same problem – here is my solution:

    The php adds the “itemIntroText” class, like phill wrote.
    It can be changed/deleted in the css-file



    Phill Moderator

    Thanks Marc. Somehow my above post got attached to this thread when it should have been in another. Hope it didn’t cause too much confusion.

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