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  • bcadej Friend

    I installed Joomla and Purity III. Then I changed colours, fonts, … made some new module positions … well I did a lot of customisation in Purity III.
    After I updated Purity III and T3 Framework I lost every design change I made.

    What to do, how to make customisations so that I will not lose any change when updating template or/and framework?

    What will happen when Purity IV and new major version of framework will be available?

    Thanks for help.

    TomC Moderator

    When you made your modifications, did you do so via creating a “custom.css” file – within file path /templates/purity_iii/css/ ?? Also, did you not create a backup of your site files before you updated??

    If not, then yes … all of the modifications you make within the regular/core template files will be overwritten when you update your site.

    For more information on how to protect your modifications, click the following link —> CUSTOM.CSS

    bcadej Friend

    Thank you for the answer.
    Backup doesn’t help me if I can’t update.

    I did customisation in less files and they were compiled afterwards. I also did customisations in php files and xml files; module customisation.

    TomC Moderator

    <em>@bcadej 458257 wrote:</em><blockquote>Thank you for the answer.
    Backup doesn’t help me if I can’t update.</blockquote>
    Actually, it does . . . as you will have the modified CSS files to copy/paste into your recently updated template files. The custom.css option is certainly much easier and less time consuming, though.

    <em>@bcadej 458257 wrote:</em><blockquote>I did customisation in less files and they were compiled afterwards. I also did customisations in php files and xml files; module customisation.</blockquote>

    Again, why you need to employ the custom.css option for CSS modifications/customizations.

    arthurjohnston Friend

    If you are not using the “custom.css” method of modifying your files, this will occur with each update regardless of the template you are using.

    As an alternative, you may install the Free JooomlArt “JA Extensions Manager” and perform your updates using the Manager.

    The Manager will locate and display any files that were modified prior to the update. This will give you the opportunity to copy the modified files prior to your update, so you may use them to apply the changes to the new version.

    A description of the JA Extension Manager and download information can be found here:


    Good luck,

    bcadej Friend

    Thanks for help.

    I have found a way to do modification and not loose it after regular update throug joomla.

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