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  • carmila Friend

    I have a great problem, since I updated to 3.6.2 the new articles I do in the categorie comes to the last place and it is not seen in the module if I do not pick the article manually to the first place, but as I have lots of articles I have to move it manually 240 places!!!!
    Can you help me to solve this problem?
    Send you a capture
    The first capture shows the last article I did before updated to 3.6.2 and the second one shows the last article I did that went to the las page after the article of 2008
    Best regards

    jateline III

    1. ordenamiento
    2. orenamiento2
    pavit Moderator

    Hi there

    Articles order can be fetched for various values like publishing date id etc etc , if it is giving a new ID assignments ( 16 ) and it is not using the incremental id then something happened to your database that is started to assign ids not taking them in correct order


    database has 2 tables



    In the asset table are stored all articles ids , so if you delete an article it doesn’t delete the id assigned to article so when you add a new article id order is still incremental order , if you clean the #_asset table then id order is lost and when you create a new article first free id ( old deleted articles ) is assigned to new article created

    This is a Joomla core setting and has nothing to do with template anyway , you should rebuild your asset table to keep all articles ids in the correct order.

    Hope it helps

    carmila Friend

    Thanks for your answer, I fixed it, but discovered another issue after this update. I have a module called tabfrontal, it is an html module that I have since joomla 1.5 and now do not function. It has an css _tab and this code order
    {jatabs type="articles" catid="107" view="introtext" ajax=true position="top" animType="animfade"} {/jatabs}
    Can you tell me how can I make it ok?
    Send you some images.
    Best regards

    1. modulo-tabs
    2. modulo-tabs-2
    3. modulo-tabs-3
    pavit Moderator


    This is another problem related to the module specific update and not to the core joomla update , could you be so kind to open a new topic for your new issue ? and provide also in it an url for your backend and a temp super user account so we can have a look at your settings and answer in a faster and exact way.


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