March 19, 2017 at 12:07 am #1019775
Hi, when i click on extended fields it shows the results page but ajax keeps loading…i am getting a js error as well.(see scrrenshots)
March 20, 2017 at 12:22 pm #1020113Hi, when i click to filter with extended fields it loads and shows the results page but ajax stay and keeps loading …i am getting a js error as well.(see screenshots)
Saguaros ModeratorSaguaros
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March 20, 2017 at 2:36 pm #1020166This reply has been marked as private.March 21, 2017 at 7:31 pm #1020623??????
Mo0nlight ModeratorMo0nlight
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March 22, 2017 at 7:31 am #1020805Hi,
I tried to access thru your site but could not find the page you’re using JA K2 Filter, could you send me URL of that page?
March 22, 2017 at 7:10 pm #1021032This reply has been marked as private.Mo0nlight ModeratorMo0nlight
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March 24, 2017 at 2:39 am #1021465Hi.
It’s seem your site had cache plugin. I could not edit.
You could try edit the file :
modules/mod_jak2filter/assets/js/jak2filter.jsLook for
if(typeof(jQuery.fn.highlight) == 'function') {
Change to
if(typeof(jQuery.fn.highlight) == 'function' && searchword != undefined) {
March 24, 2017 at 3:30 pm #1021694thanks, seems like fix it. will it override in next update?
also, i have a problem were the k2 links for this category are not what i want and do not include the category in the URL (using sh404sef)
is there a chance i can replace the k2 filter with the mega filter that can be used on joomla content?Mo0nlight ModeratorMo0nlight
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March 28, 2017 at 1:39 am #1022386Hi,
Don’t worry, the fix will be included in the next update.
With the sh404sef extension, unfortunately JA K2 Filter is not compatible with it at this moment.
You can using both JA K2 Filter and Mega Filter at the same time.
January 10, 2018 at 3:02 pm #1086087Hi , i upgraded again and the js error is showing again, looks like a cache issue again although the code in the js file is the same as your second line fix…here is the error:
"TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating ‘cache[data]’)"
pointing to this code line:
if (cache[data]) {Can you please help me ASAP!!!
Saguaros ModeratorSaguaros
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January 11, 2018 at 7:56 am #1086262Hi,
I’ve shared with the developer for further checking on this, pls stay tuned.
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January 11, 2018 at 8:30 am #1086270Hi,
It due to the override layout of template, it’s not up-to-date with the core module of this extension: jak2filter/tmpl/default.php
We updated for you and it’s working now, kindly check.
January 11, 2018 at 9:42 am #1086303This reply has been marked as private.Saguaros ModeratorSaguaros
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January 12, 2018 at 1:47 am #1086412Hi,
We added the JS script at the end of this file: root/templates/(your_default_template)//html/mod_jak2filter/default.php
<script type="text/javascript"> /*<![CDATA[*/ var $required_fields<?php echo $module->id; ?> = <?php echo $required_fields; ?>; var $required_warning = "<?php echo JText::_('JAK2_REQUIRED_WARNING'); ?>"; var $cache<?php echo $module->id ?> = {}; //validate date function function isDate(txtDate) { var reg = /^(\d{4})([\/-])(\d{1,2})\2(\d{1,2})$/; return reg.test(txtDate); } //validate startdate and enddate before submit form function validateDateRange(obj) { var from, to, field; obj = jQuery(obj); if (isDate(obj.val())) { obj.removeClass('date-error'); } else { obj.addClass('date-error'); return; } field = obj.data('field'); if (obj.hasClass('k2datefrom')) { from = obj; to = jQuery('.k2dateto[data-field="'+field+'"]'); } else if (obj.hasClass('k2dateto')) { from = jQuery('.k2datefrom[data-field="'+field+'"]'); to = obj; } else { return; } <?php if($auto_filter): ?> if (from.val() && to.val()) { jQuery('#<?php echo $formid; ?>').trigger('filter.submit'); } <?php endif; ?> } // calculate clear both horizontal layout. function horizon_calculate<?php echo $module->id; ?>() { var $ja_column = <?php echo $params->get('ja_column'); ?>; var $ja_columnw = ''; <?php if($ja_stylesheet == 'horizontal-layout' && $params->get('ja_column') && $params->get('ja_column') > 0){ ?> $ja_columnw = 'width:<?php echo round(100/$params->get("ja_column"),2) ?>%;'; <?php } ?> jQuery('#jak2filter<?php echo $module->id;?> > li').each(function($j){ var $style=''; var $clear=''; $ja_column=parseInt($ja_column); var sum = $j % $ja_column; if ($ja_column > 0 && sum == 0) { $clear = "clear:both;"; } if ($ja_column || $clear!="") { $style = $ja_columnw + $clear; } if (!jQuery(this).hasClass('last-item'))jQuery(this).attr('style', $style); }); } jQuery(document).ready(function () { jQuery('#ja-extra-field-accordion-<?php echo $module->id;?>').find('.ui-accordion-disabled.ui-state-disabled').each(function(){ if (jQuery(this).next().find('.chzn-container.chzn-container-single').length) jQuery(this).next().find('.chzn-container.chzn-container-single').attr('style', 'width:auto;'); }); jQuery('.fsname').each(function () { jQuery(this).text(jQuery('#jak2filter<?php echo $module->id;?>').find('option[value=' + jQuery(this).text() + ']').text()); }); jQuery("#jak2filter<?php echo $module->id;?>").sortable({ itemSelector: "li.fssorts", handle: ".title", onDrop: function ($item, container, _super, event) { $item.sortable('enable'); _super($item, container); <?php if($ja_stylesheet == 'horizontal-layout' && $params->get('ja_column') && $params->get('ja_column') > 0){ ?>horizon_calculate<?php echo $module->id; ?>();<?php } ?> <?php if($auto_filter): ?> jQuery('#<?php echo $formid; ?>').trigger('filter.submit'); <?php endif; ?> } }); jQuery('#jak2filter<?php echo $module->id;?> #ordering').change(function () { if (jQuery(this).val() && !jQuery('#jak2filter<?php echo $module->id;?>').find('li[data-of=' + jQuery(this).val() + ']').length) { var strout = ''; if (jQuery.inArray(jQuery(this).val(), ['zelevance', 'best', 'modified', 'publishUp', 'zdate', 'featured']) === -1) { strout = '<div class="group-controls">'+ '<div class="controls">'+ '<input <?php if($auto_filter): ?>onclick="jQuery(\'#<?php echo $formid; ?>\').trigger(\'filter.submit\');"<?php endif; ?> type="radio" checked="" name="orders[' + jQuery(this).val() + ']" value="' + jQuery(this).val() + '" /><p class="ascending"><?php echo JText::_("JAK2ASC"); ?></p>'+ '</div>'; if (jQuery.inArray(jQuery(this).val(), ['adate']) === -1) strout += '<div class="controls">'+ '<input <?php if($auto_filter): ?>onclick="jQuery(\'#<?php echo $formid; ?>\').trigger(\'filter.submit\');"<?php endif; ?> type="radio" name="orders[' + jQuery(this).val() + ']" value="r' + jQuery(this).val() + '" /><p class="decrease"><?php echo JText::_("JAK2DESC"); ?></p>'+ '</div>'; strout += '</div>'; } else { strout = '<div class="group-controls"><div class="controls"><input <?php if($auto_filter): ?>onclick="jQuery(\'#<?php echo $formid; ?>\').trigger(\'filter.submit\');"<?php endif; ?> type="radio" checked="checked" name="orders[' + jQuery(this).val() + ']" value="r' + jQuery(this).val() + '" /><p class="decrease"><?php echo JText::_("JAK2DESC"); ?></p></div></div>'; } jQuery(this).parents('li').after('<li class="fssorts" style="<?php echo $ja_column; ?>" data-of="' + jQuery(this).val() + '"> ' + '<div class="subclass">'+ '<div class="title" style="cursor:move"><h6>' + jQuery(this).find('option:selected').html() + '</h6></div>' + strout+ '<div class="controls"><button type="button" class="delete" onclick="jQuery(this).parents(\'li\').remove();<?php if($auto_filter): ?>jQuery(\'#<?php echo $formid; ?>\').trigger(\'filter.submit\');<?php endif; ?>"><?php echo JText::_("JAK2DELETE"); ?></button></div>'+ '</div>'+ '</li>'); } jQuery(this).val('').trigger("liszt:updated"); <?php if($ja_stylesheet == 'horizontal-layout' && $params->get('ja_column') && $params->get('ja_column') > 0){ ?>horizon_calculate<?php echo $module->id; ?>();<?php } ?> <?php if($auto_filter): ?> // if auto_filter we submit form. jQuery('#<?php echo $formid; ?>').trigger('filter.submit'); <?php endif; ?> }); if ( jQuery.browser.msie ) { jQuery('#searchword<?php echo $module->id;?>').on('keyup', function(event) { var keycode = event.keyCode ? event.keyCode : event.which; if(keycode == 13 ) { jQuery('#<?php echo $formid; ?>').trigger('filter.submit') } }); } function resetChildren($current, $next) { if ($next) { var $data = $jak2depend[parseInt($next.data('exfield'))][$current.val()]; if ($data != undefined && $data != 'undefined') { $next.html(''); $next.append('<option value="">'+$next.data('extitle')+'</option>'); for (var i=0;i<$data.length;i++) { $next.append('<option value="'+$data[0]+'">'+$data[1]+'</option>'); } $next.chosen("destroy").chosen(); } else { $next.html(''); $next.append('<option value="">'+$next.data('extitle')+'</option>'); $next.chosen("destroy").chosen(); } var $_next = '#K2ExtraField_'+$next.data('exfield')+'_'+(parseInt($next.data('dependlv'))+1); if (jQuery($_next).length) resetChildren($next, jQuery($_next)); } } jQuery('#jak2filter<?php echo $module->id;?> .jak2depend').change(function() { var elm, dependlv, exfield, autofield, $next, $prev, $ar, moduleid, dependarray, dependtxt, form; elm = jQuery(this); dependlv = elm.data('dependlv'); exfield = elm.data('exfield'); autofield = elm.data('autofield'); moduleid = <?php echo $module->id;?>; $next = jQuery('#jak2filter'+moduleid+' #K2ExtraField_'+exfield+'_'+(dependlv + 1)); if ($next.length) resetChildren(elm, $next); dependarray = jQuery('#jak2filter'+moduleid+' #xf_'+ exfield +'_array'); dependarray.val(''); jQuery('#jak2filter<?php echo $module->id;?> .jak2depend[data-exfield="'+exfield+'"]').each(function(){ $ar = dependarray.val(); if (jQuery(this).val() != '') $ar += jQuery(this).val()+','; dependarray.val($ar); }); dependtxt = jQuery('#jak2filter'+moduleid+' #xf_'+exfield+'_txt'); dependtxt.val(elm.val()); if (elm.val() == '') { // get the prev value if choose no value at current. $prev = jQuery('#jak2filter'+moduleid+' #K2ExtraField_'+exfield+'_'+(dependlv-1)); if ($prev.length) { dependtxt.val($prev.val()); } } <?php if($auto_filter): ?> form = jQuery('#<?php echo $formid; ?>') if (elm.data('autofield') == 'all') { // always submit form if all defined. form.trigger('filter.submit'); } else if (dependlv == autofield) { // submit form at number defined form.trigger('filter.submit'); } else if (!$next.length) { // if auto_filter and the last one choose we submit form. form.trigger('filter.submit'); } <?php endif; ?> }); if (jQuery('#jak2filter<?php echo $module->id;?>').find('#category_id').length) { jak2DisplayExtraFields(<?php echo $module->id;?>, jQuery('#jak2filter<?php echo $module->id;?>').find('#category_id'), <?php echo $selected_group; ?>); } <?php if($auto_filter): ?> var f = jQuery('#<?php echo $formid; ?>'); f.find('input').each(function () { var el = jQuery(this); el.on('change', function () { if (el.hasClass('k2datefrom') || el.hasClass('k2dateto') || el.hasClass('date-error')) return; // handle date range on other place jQuery('#<?php echo $formid; ?>').trigger('filter.submit'); }); }); f.find('select').each(function () { var el = jQuery(this); el.on('change', function () { if (el.hasClass('jak2depend') || el.attr('id') == 'ordering') { // handle change depend filter and ordering on other place return; } if (el.attr('id') == 'dtrange' && el.val() == 'range') { var sDate = jQuery('#sdate_<?php echo $module->id; ?>'); var eDate = jQuery('#edate_<?php echo $module->id; ?>'); if (sDate.val() & eDate.val()) { if (isDate(sDate.val())) { sDate.removeClass('date-error'); } else { sDate.addClass('date-error'); return; } if (isDate(eDate.val())) { eDate.removeClass('date-error'); } else { eDate.addClass('date-error'); return; } if (sDate.val() && eDate.val()) { jQuery('#<?php echo $formid; ?>').trigger('filter.submit'); } } } else { jQuery('#<?php echo $formid; ?>').trigger('filter.submit'); } }); }); f.find('textarea').each(function () { var el = jQuery(this); el.on('change', function () { jQuery('#<?php echo $formid; ?>').trigger('filter.submit'); }); }); <?php endif; ?> <?php if($ajax_filter): ?> jQuery('#<?php echo $formid; ?>').on('filter.submit', function () { var $check = checkrequired($required_fields<?php echo $module->id; ?>, "<?php echo $formid; ?>"); if ($check == true) { jak2AjaxSubmit(this, '<?php echo JURI::root(true).'/'; ?>', $cache<?php echo $module->id ?>); <?php if($share_url): ?> jak2GetUrlSharing(this); <?php endif; ?> } else { var top = jQuery('#<?php echo $formid; ?>').find('.jak2-error:visible').first().offset().top - 100; jQuery("html, body").animate({scrollTop: top}); return false; } }); if (jQuery('#k2Container')) { jak2AjaxPagination(jQuery('#k2Container'), '<?php echo JURI::root(true).'/'; ?>', $cache<?php echo $module->id ?>, $cache<?php echo $module->id ?>); <?php if($share_url): ?> jak2GetUrlSharing('#<?php echo $formid; ?>'); <?php endif; ?> } <?php else: ?> jQuery('#<?php echo $formid; ?>').on('filter.submit', function () { var $check = checkrequired($required_fields<?php echo $module->id; ?>, "<?php echo $formid; ?>"); if ($check == true) { jQuery('#<?php echo $formid; ?>').submit(); } else { var top = jQuery('#<?php echo $formid; ?>').find('.jak2-error:visible').first().offset().top - 100; jQuery("html, body").animate({scrollTop: top}); return false; } }); <?php endif; ?> }); /*]]>*/ </script>
This overrides module in template so it will not be affected when you update new version of this component.
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