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  • hriedel Friend


    Have tried to edit the language file, but now all text shows up as capital letters e.g. ADD_COMMENT, PLEASE_LOGIN_TO_POST_NEW_COMMENT, QUOTE… and so forth – instead of the correct text.

    What have I done wrong, and how do I correct it?

    Thanks. :-[

    Kind regards,

    Phill Moderator

    Please post details of the code you have changed so we can advise accordingly.

    hriedel Friend

    I changed the code:

    ADD_COMMENT=”Add comment” to

    in the file: en-GB.com_jacomment.ini

    After that I changed it back to the original setting, but it is still capital letters.

    There is also a file: da-DK.com_jacomment.ini you can change from within the component back-end, but changes there did not have any effect so I tried to edit the en-GB file…

    Phill Moderator

    Can you post a link to a page with comments on as I am struggling to find one.

    hriedel Friend

    I had the comments turned off…

    They are now on all articles in the category “news”

    And thank you for your quick replies. 🙂

    hriedel Friend


    Have provided an admin login if that is required.

    Phill Moderator

    Please could you send me FTP details via PM. Please include a link to this thread in your PM.

    Phill Moderator

    Did you add all the “” marks? I think you are using Extplorer and it is messing up the files. Please re-load fresh copies using ftp.

    hriedel Friend

    I think you maybe right. Extplorer isn’t working that well.

    Fresh copies – do you mean uninstall and then upload all the files again?

    Did you notice that the menu was all messed up when JA comments was enabled?

    And THANKS for your super help, and at this time of day. I’m impressed. 🙂

    Phill Moderator


    No need to re-install. Just unpack the jcomment archive and re-upload the language file. Not sure if you have edited any other files with Extplorer but you may find you have problems elsewhere if you have. It seems to be trying to correct syntax where it should not.

    As fot the menu I didn’t really check to be honest. There may be a conflict with the tempate you are using and the comment system but I would need to see that to be sure. Glad to take a look tomorrow for you. I have the logon you sent and will briefly turn the comments on so I can look if that is OK?

    hriedel Friend


    You were absolutely right about Extplorer and the files. I am correcting that now.

    Regarding the menus, that is quite ok. You have already exceed all expectations. 🙂

    You are more than welcome to take a look tomorrow, I will keep the logon for you. Note that I have sent a support ticket about the menu issue. I dont know if there is any conflict if you start looking at it tomorrow?
    And turning on comments when you need is ok. 🙂

    Anyway, thanks alot.

    Sleep well.

    hriedel Friend

    Just to follow up; I have re-freshed the files and everything is looking normal again.

    Found out that (as phill said) the Extplorer editor was making the language files somehow unreadable to joomla.

    Now when I edit the files and upload via FTP, everything looks as it should. 🙂

    Thank you for your help; much appreciated. 😀

Viewing 12 posts - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)

This topic contains 12 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  hriedel 13 years, 8 months ago.

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