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  • sbaldwin Friend

    I would like to insert a “embedded” video into one of my articles. With All Videos Reloaded I can do this. I would also like to use Highslide on a Pop-Up video inside a few articles.

    My Questions is..What path name do I use to upload my .FLV Video files or my .SWF video files for embedding or Highslide pop-out ? If I put my videos into Videos folder that is recommended then they will play in Playlist becuase the Playlist.php is in the Video folder. I would like to have both the video playlist and the ability to use videos embeded and highslide.

    Thanks for any help!

    Sherlock Friend

    Hi sbaldwin !
    you can add video to videos folder, it will display in playlist then in highslide video form you add point to that video , it will display in highslide form !

    sbaldwin Friend

    Ok, What if I do not want some of my Videos like my emedded article videos or a few highlside videos to play in Playlist on Front page? What folder should I use? Should I create a new media folder path in Gobal Configuration under Media?

    Sherlock Friend

    Hi sbaldwin !
    if you want some video doesn’t display in playlist in frontpage , you create new folder to stores them , then in highslide form you add link to point to them following format below :

    <a onclick=”return hs.htmlExpand(this, { objectType: ‘iframe’,outlineWhileAnimating: true, preserveContent: false, width:425, height:355 } )” href=”[path to video]” class=”video”> </a>

    sbaldwin Friend

    Hi Hainn,
    Please note I chnaged the link below. I’m getting closer to getting it to work but the video does not play! I’m using an .swf file for the video and it just shows a black space for video. Here is the URL and the link in the article is “Ways to de-stress”. The video link is called “TEST” at the bottom of the article.

    I created a NEW folder under images/stories/demo/video and placed the .swf file under video.


    here is the code I used;

    ><a class=”video” href=”images/stories/demo/video/Villa.swf” onclick=”return hs.htmlExpand(this, { objectType: ‘iframe’,outlineWhileAnimating: true, preserveContent: false, width:425, height:355 } )”>TEST</a>

    Thanks for any help!

    sbaldwin Friend

    Hmmm…I just thought of something. Do my Video files (.swf) need to be published as Flash 9 perhaps? I have an older version of Macromedia and can only save/publish my videos in Flash8 .swf.

    If the built-in Highslide needs Flash 9 .swf to play Pop-Out video, could that cause the problem?

    Sherlock Friend

    Hi sbaldwin !
    Please download attachment file ,extract it and upload in your site and try it again !


    sbaldwin Friend

    Hi Hainn!
    The .swf file you sent me worked! See test link at bottom of article. http://www.webstercommunity.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=85:ways-to-de-stress-when-the-kids-are-sick&catid=56:familyfitness&Itemid=174
    Now the question is…. why aren’t my videos working?:confused:

    sbaldwin Friend

    Hi Hainn!
    One last question on the Videos. For code you gave me:

    <a onclick=”return hs.htmlExpand(this, { objectType: ‘iframe’,outlineWhileAnimating: true, preserveContent: false, width:425, height:355 } )” href=”[path to video]” class=”video”> </a>

    Can I use .FLV file instead of .swf file for Pop-out Highslide Videos in the href= path? A sample would be:
    <a onclick=”return hs.htmlExpand(this, { objectType: ‘iframe’,outlineWhileAnimating: true, preserveContent: false, width:425, height:355 } )” href=www.xxx.com/images/stories/demo/video.flv” class=”video”> </a>

    Thank you again!

    Sherlock Friend

    Hi sbaldwin !
    I don’t make sure that about this case when use flv file. I have gone to highslide site ( http://highslide.com/ ) and view sample of it and see a format below :

    <a class="highslide" onclick="return hs.htmlExpand(this, { objectType: 'swf', contentId: 'highslide-html-10',
    allowSizeReduction: false, wrapperClassName: 'highslide-white', outlineType: 'rounded-white',
    outlineWhileAnimating: true, preserveContent: false, objectWidth: 300, objectHeight: 250} )" href="Flash.swf">
    Display flash

    Please try to use obove format and change “swf” to “flv” , “Flash.swf” to your flv file.

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