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  • gus1558 Friend

    I found some great features on Newslides that my previous provider lack of. I refer to selection by keywords and defining the maximum height.
    On the contrary i miss a feature on Newslide. That is the possibility to add HTML tags thus when pulling content from and article it can show text with some html presentation like rokstories do.

    Do you thing is it possible to hack the code a little bit in order to include a list of HTML tag to be excluded from filtering?


    Saguaros Moderator

    Dear Gus!

    Here is the solution for you:

    Pls open the file modules/mod_jaslideshow2/default_articles.php and try to find the following code:
    and replace:

    Good luck

    cjmicro Friend

    This is what I am trying to do also, but it does not seem to work. I use articles as my slideshow type and it strips out all formatting (bullets, links etc) even when I change the code as you suggested. clicking on any of the descriptions just rolls over to that image.

    Here is my article code:

    <!--{jaimage main="images/stories/holistic-slide.jpg"} -->
    <p>{jathumbnail}<a href="index.php?option=com_content&view=section&layout=blog&id=8&Itemid=93"><img src="images/stories/holistic-slide.jpg" border="0" alt="Holistic Pet Care" title="Holistic Pet Care" /></a></p>
    <li>Insect repellents without chemicals</li>
    <li>Teeth Cleaning without anesthesia</li>
    <li>Gentle grooming without fear or stress</li>
    <p><a href="index.php?option=com_content&view=section&layout=blog&id=8&Itemid=93">Read more...</a></p>

    I would like it to NOT show the title, let me put in h3 in the article itself so I can change the color of the title, and then do NOT strip out html so I can use bullets and a read more link right in the description.

    Please advise. Thank you.

    Here is the site (in production)
    Animal Connection dev site

    Thank you,

    Saguaros Moderator

    Dear Cheryl!

    You site is using the Rasite not Lime. :), now pls try to check the source a gain

    1) you try to remove strip_tags intext inside the modules/mod_jaslideshow2/default_articles.php file or ( templates/JA TEMPLATE/mod_jaslideshow2/default_articiles.php (if have))
    And ‘ll check your site again


    cjmicro Friend

    thank you, i am sorry i know I am not using Lime, but I thought it should be the same code. I do not have ja_slideshow2 folder in template, it is only in modules, so i changed the code in that area as you suggested, but it is still stripping out all code. I want to be able to show bullets in my slideshow desc and it just strips everything out.

    I changed it in two places.

    @line 17 <p><?php echo $helper->trimString( ($item->introtext) , $descMaxChars ); ?></p>

    then later
    @line 47 <?php echo $helper->trimString( ($item->introtext) , $navDescmaxlength ); ?>

    Any idea why it is not working?

    Thank you,

    Sherlock Friend

    Hi cjmicro,

    If possible ,please kindly submit a ticket give us your FTP Information for a further checking !

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

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