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  • bookpeg Friend

    Hi there i’m wondering if anyone know s why my video in allvideos mod is starting on a grey screen… If they do do they know how i can chnage it.. Thankyou

    Phill Moderator

    Not 100% sure but take a look at the settings in plugin manager for avr. I think there is a setting for background colour in there.

    A link to your site migh help determins what is going on.

    bookpeg Friend
    Phill Moderator

    It is picking up the css from the template as expected. What colour do you want it to be? I can only see the grey for a brief moment before the image appears.

    bookpeg Friend

    No what i mean is i dont want it to start on an image but on the video…
    Could someone answer the guy before mes question to if possible…http://www.joomlart.com/forums/topic/urgent-ja-news-component-time-of-creation-and-the-author/

    No yep if you notice there is another video there when that video is first in the playlist… the module displays part of the videos frames and you can click on it to play that is what i would like to happen here……

    Do you know how?


    Phill Moderator

    I see the video my end and not a grey background.

    bookpeg Friend

    If you load it in another window it will start on grey.
    try http://reporter.elanguest.com/ in another window and check the mod

    bookpeg Friend

    Does anyone know?

    joeflynn Friend

    1st; Congrats on getting the module working. I got it working then broke it and then got distracted. I am just getting back to it now.
    2nd; there is a set of color choices in the advanced parameters in the plug-in “Content – AllVideos Reloaded”. Did you try any of those to change the color?

    sbaldwin Friend

    I think what bookpeg is trying to get is not a blank screen with color but an image or “first frame” of video while the video is idle…is that correct?

    If so you need to make an image (photo) the same size of your video display like an example 300x 225 pixels wide and high, then upload your image to the Video folder for thumbnails in my case it’s images/stories/videos/thumbnail. Name the thumbnail image the same as .FLV file. So if you video is shopping.flv name your image shopping.jpeg to match and put it in your thumbnail folder.

    I wish it did use the “first frame” of the video as it’s make a lot of extra work to create a thumbnail. Perhaps someone out there knows a better way to do this!? I would be happy! 🙂

    bookpeg Friend


    Exactly … does anyone know if there is a way to use to first frame of the video instead of the obligitary background colour?

    bookpeg Friend

    Heres what i’ve got

    bookpeg Friend

    Anyone its not attractive having that appear when the page starts — what i need is a preview of the video… does anyone know how?

    sbaldwin Friend

    Hi Bookpeg,

    I would like the same thing when someone visits my web site. Right now, it’s a pain to deal with because I have to create a “Photo” the same size as the video so that is dosn’t show blank with just a grey or color background.

    I wonder if Joomlart could help –Or– maybe Fritz from “All Videos Reloaded” could let us know how to capture the first frame of the video for start-up? I believe he is the developer of what Joomlart uses for the video on the home page of Teline ll.

    It bugs me as it’s really time-consuming to create a image for every video. If I get time later today I’ll email Fritz …or if you beat me to it, give a shout back…thanks! 😀

    ccvpguy Friend

    Hi, I have same problem and I have been searching/googling so far i think this software will capture any frame <<< http://www.im-research.org/im-flv-thumbnail.

    I am trying to find if I can get free software to fix this issue

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This topic contains 43 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  bookpeg 15 years, 9 months ago.

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