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  • mediengestaltung_hinz Friend

    How is it possible to differentiate a android smartphone from a android tablet?! in the template configuration I can only choose one profile (for example “iphone” or “desktop”) for android devices. but then all android devices will load the website in the “iphone”-version for example. also a android-tablet load the website in the iphone version then.

    is there is possibility to make a distinction between the android devices in the mobile detection?!

    THANKS a lot!
    Bye Diego

    pixelzombie Friend

    Hi Diego,

    it is possible to define more device types if they have an unique user agend. You can look up the user agend with a site that tells you on which browser you are or simply search for lists of devices like this one: http://www.zytrax.com/tech/web/mobile_ids.html

    I tested it for the iPad and managed to get a different profile for each device. It’s not a good solution yet but I will make some more tests and write a tutorial here on how to define your own devices and user agends.

    As far as I can tell, I don’t know if it makes any sense to do a custom iPad theme because every site I’ve built looked great on the ipad without customization and there is still no good solution for the “zoom” when you rotate the device from portrait to landscape. I’ll see about that.

    Just wanted to tell you that it is possible despite I’m not having a how to yet. Sorry for that, but you’re not lost 😉



    anilshar3 Friend

    Please use the below links for your reference :- http://www.joomlart.com/forums/archive/index.php/t-46569.html

    The world is not enough for me

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  anilshar3 13 years ago.

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