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  • phiber0ptik Friend

    i have the array like this:

    $ja_header_images_wide = array (‘header1.jpg’,’header2.jpg’,’header3.jpg’,’header4.jpg’,’header5.jpg’);

    but the result is:

    menuitem 1 – header1 ( correct)
    menuitem 2 – header2 ( correct)
    menuitem 3 – header1 ( FALSE!!)

    why is header1.jpg displayed on item 3 and where is header3.jpg ?

    and last question: how do i change the whole header thing in a module – even with the – for me – unnessecary newsflashmodule in it ?

    and another question – completly off-topic:
    what does an english-man after he won the uefa-cup and the euro-cup ?
    he turns of his playstation :))

    Sherlock Friend

    Hi phiber0ptik !
    What joomla version do you use ? 1.0 or 1.5 ?

    phiber0ptik Friend

    joomla 1.5

    Sherlock Friend

    Hi phiber0ptik !
    please view : http://www.joomlart.com/forums/topic/specific-header-image-for-menu-entries/ to know detail about header images in mageia template.

    phiber0ptik Friend

    sorry but that doesn´t help. is it a modified index.php ? can i dl this anywhere ?

    Sherlock Friend

    You must replace images in templatesja_mageiaimagesheader folder , if you change name of images you must update it in index.php file at about line 15 :

    $ja_header_images_wide = array ('header1.jpg','header2.jpg','header3.jpg','header4.jpg','header5.jpg');
    $ja_header_images_narrow = array ('header1-n.jpg','header2-n.jpg','header3-n.jpg','header4-n.jpg','header5-n.jpg');

    phiber0ptik Friend

    that is definetly not the problem. the names of the images are exactly like in my index.php….

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

This topic contains 7 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  phiber0ptik 16 years, 7 months ago.

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