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  • Andre Prior Friend

    How do I remove the mouseover alt text in the article as seen in this screenshot.

    Any help is welcome!

    Andre Prior Friend

    mcseller Friend

    you have to modify the file: /modules/mod_janews/tmpl/blog_item.php

    <a title=”<?php echo htmlentities(strip_tags($row->introtext)); ?>” href=”<?php echo $link; ?>”>

    <a href=”<?php echo $link; ?>”>

    let me know if it works!


    mayke Friend

    Hi Mcseller,

    Is this possible to use for Telline II V1.4 with the Quickstart?
    I am trying to remove the Alt Text but it didn’t work.
    Maybe if I can turn this off, the page will load faster, am I wrong?

    Any clue for help?

    questbg Friend

    <em>@mayke 67808 wrote:</em><blockquote>Is this possible to use for Telline II V1.4 with the Quickstart?


    I’m using Teline II v1.3 with Quickstart and my ‘alt text’ doesn’t look anything like yours? Very odd!

    Mine is looking like this:

    I looked around in Admin but couldn’t see any method of changing the number of characters that appear in this text?

    Sorry I can’t help more.

    mayke Friend


    I didn’t see the bad things from that?
    If you mean that the total char this in the janews frontpage module setting I think.
    But if you mean on the mouse over as I am looking for, maybe is around css template or modules/mod_janews/tmpl/blog_item.php that I don’t know yet forsure how to work it out…

    I just don’t remember where, but there is some one using Telline II with the alt text off above the sections title is and his website is bit faster. Wished someone could tell…

    Thank you questbg.

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This topic contains 6 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  mayke 16 years, 5 months ago.

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