Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)
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  • dave_logic Friend

    Is there a way to change the style say from COLOR BLOCK to COLOR BLOCK LITE using menu ID…This functionality is present in most modern day templates…

    PS: I dont want to use external URL using style=xxxxx as that causing issues with Menu ID as you know…


    Saguaros Moderator

    Hi Dave,

    Currently, this JA Wall template doesnot support menu item based style config 🙂

    Saguaros Moderator

    Dear Dave,

    You can change different style for different menu item by this way:

    – Suppose that you want to assign classic style to a menu item ‘Documentation
    – Go to template manager > choose JA Wall Classic template
    – Check on ‘Documentation‘ menu item of Top menu in Menu Assignment section

    Clean all cache and Refresh your site.

    1. tmpl
    2. tmpstyle
    3. tmpstyleassign
    paoloci Friend

    Hi Saguaros
    You say
    – Go to template manager > choose JA Wall Classic template
    but I have only ja wall with inside “Template themes”

    I must do a duplicate and switch template?

    Saguaros Moderator

    Hi paoloci,

    If you have only 1 ja wall in list of Extensions > Template manager, you could duplicate one and change template theme in advanced option of this new duplcated template.

    paoloci Friend

    this opportunity could be a partial answer for my other post
    but ..
    which is the best way to clean the cache of the template?
    Mod-rewrite sh404sef conserve a special cache of Ja Wall?

    Saguaros Moderator

    Hi again,

    If your site is in development stage, you should go to Extensions > Plugin manager > System Cache plugin and disable it.

    paoloci Friend

    thanks a lot.
    I will do it.

    Do you think is possible to have a ja Wall type only for the homepage
    and another type of Ja Wall for all the pages, articles, categories?

    For example, top menu with : Home, News, Food, Cheese
    home = home page with retro theme
    news = blog view with default theme
    Food = list with default theme
    Cheese = direct article with default theme
    in this way could be problematic for the same article that i read
    from the list
    or search
    or from Home?
    Could be a conflict from different template theme?


    Saguaros Moderator

    Hi paoloci,

    As per my 2nd reply, you can assign different theme for different menu item. Let’s make a sample with retro theme and home menu item:

    – You go to Extensions > Template manager there will be a list of template here, choose JA Wall – Retro

    – Inside settings of this retro theme, in the left side, choose Home menu item in Menu Assignment section.

    Then you can make the same with other menu items.

    paoloci Friend

    Thanks a lot.
    I will do it.
    Have a good day.

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)

This topic contains 10 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  paoloci 12 years, 4 months ago.

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