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  • nefar Friend


    I don’t know about anyone else but I”m a big fan of Joomlapack as a backup utility. I’ve used it many times with no issues what so ever, that is until today. I”ve got my main site close to production so figured it was time for me to clone it to a sub folder for any further testing.

    I did a full backup on my site using Joomla Pack Archive compression method. Moved it over to new folder, did a kickstart install and everything seemed to be fine. All other components (forum, picture gallery) working fine. Virtuemart seemed to be running correctly until I went into administration and attempted to change an item. I noticed that all the links in virtuemart configuration are my old url scheme. Ie.. http://www.myurl.com instead of http://www.myurl/testbed/

    Has anyone else run into this issue and is there way to solve this?

    mj1256 Friend

    nope, works absolutely perfect

    I have run into your problem though

    go into your configuration.php file and manual change the live site url from the old url to the new url.

    that should fix it

    nefar Friend

    I tried the var $live_site = ”; in the main configuration.php file in joomla root directory no luck with that. However, I changed virtuemart.cfg.php in administrator/components/com_virtuemart/

    // these path and url definitions here are based on the Joomla! Configuration
    define( ‘URL’, ‘http://www.mysite.com’ );
    define( ‘SECUREURL’, ‘http://www.mysite.com’ );

    This seems to have done the trick, Im still testing (crosses fingers) but looking at the code it sure looked like it’s supposed to look in that configuration.php for $mosConfig_live_site

    Anyway thanks, saved me a lot of headache 😉

    mj1256 Friend

    right, and there is an error on the base URL in the VM theme, i posted it a while back

    mj1256 Friend
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