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  • brentwilliams2 Friend

    Some applications are not able to be downloaded. If I look at the front end, it says that the “File Not Found on the Server”. When I try to look at the back-end, it just refreshes the page and does not download. I DO, however, see the file in stories/jbuploads/applications, but the file permissions are set to 644, compared to 411 like the others. It appears that the system is not creating the files in the same way?

    (I tried to change the file permissions via FTP, and that did not allow me to download the files through the site – so that may be just a symptom, and not the fundamental problem…)

    I will PM you with more info.

    Can you help?

    Thanh Nguyen Viet Friend

    Hi Brent,

    <blockquote>It appears that the system is not creating the files in the same way?</blockquote>

    Yes, this issue occurs with Application PDF files created if Job seeker checks the option “Attach JA JOB BOARD resume” when submitting application.

    To resolve this issue, please open the
    components/com_jajobboard/models/jaapplications.php file:

    Replace the code line below
    [PHP]@chmod(JPATH_SITE . $uploadfolder.’/applications/’.date(‘Ymdhms’) . $filename, 777);[/PHP]

    [PHP]@chmod(JPATH_SITE . $uploadfolder.’/applications/’.date(‘Ymdhms’) . $filename, 0644);[/PHP]

    It seems that your server does not allow web user to create file with mod 0777, so when the code tried to create file with 0777, it was updated to 0000.

    brentwilliams2 Friend

    Thanks for the response, but just so we are on the same page…. The screenshot I sent you showed that the files I had problems with had permissions set to 644. The ones that worked fine were set to 411. Wouldn’t your fix change more to 644, and therefore, create more files that were inaccessible?

    I apologize for not understanding…

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  brentwilliams2 10 years, 9 months ago.

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