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  • edd Friend

    Hi there,

    I have not yet installed the JA BIZ template, because I would like to know if it is possible to apply a “class suffix” to the mega menu.

    So, the thing goes like this:

    I need to use in the “home” page the default color template.
    But when I hover the mega menu, each category should usea different color, example : “joomla pages” shows in orange, “explore” shows in blue, “careers” shows in green…

    So I was wondering if using the class suffix is possible to do this.

    Please take a look to the two attachements to see what I’m trying to say.

    Thanks a lot for help 🙂

    1. SCR01B
    2. SCR01A
    Saguaros Moderator

    Hi edd,

    You can achieve that, you can follow these steps:
    – Go to admin area of your site > Extensions > Template manager > Select a template style
    – Click ‘megamenu’ button to access configuration section of mega menu
    – Click on menu item you want i.e. ‘Explore’ and add your own class for ‘Extra Class’: http://prntscr.com/57ixpk (in this case, I add ‘explorepage’ ) > Save.

    – Open css file: /templates/ja_biz/css/custom.css (create this file if it doesn’t exist) and add this css rule:

    .t3-megamenu .mega.explorepage > .nav-child.mega-dropdown-menu.full-menu > .mega-dropdown-inner {
    background: #33bed9;

    – Apply the same for any menu item as you wish.


    edd Friend

    Hi Saguaros,

    This is great… Thank you very much…

    And I suppose that this way I can use it in any other template?

    Thanks, thanks, thanks…


    Saguaros Moderator

    You can apply the same to templates which based on T3 framework 🙂

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