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  • cgc0202 Friend

    I find the SIGPRO very useful as portable gallery for individual pages, as opposed to global slideshow modules.

    It seems to be working now with Joomla 1.5.x-Teline II, but once it is used in article, the Tab feature in the User6 position disappears. The incompatibility between the the SIGPRO and the Teline II Tab feature disappears once the articles that contain it were “unpublished”.

    Both are crucial for the concepts I want to develop in the websites I plan to setup.

    I think this is just a script incompatibility issue and should have some logical answer. Any help would be appreciated.


    folkbear Friend

    the solution for me was pretty simple, I switched from using the slimbox to using the greybox and all mootools-related problems were gone.

    in sigpro-backend, you should just change the popup-system to a non-mootools-based one, like JQuery etc…

    cgc0202 Friend

    <em>@folkbear 120494 wrote:</em><blockquote>the solution for me was pretty simple, I switched from using the slimbox to using the greybox and all mootools-related problems were gone.

    in sigpro-backend, you should just change the popup-system to a non-mootools-based one, like JQuery etc…</blockquote>

    Thanks folkbear,

    It seemed to work but not the graybox, in fact, that one destroyed my layout. I had to use another one. The user6 tabs showed finally but it now has become the slowest loading component of my site.


    folkbear Friend

    Sigpro is a very nice component, but the problem is that it needs a lot of resources and time to make the thumbs…

    cgc0202 Friend

    <em>@folkbear 120605 wrote:</em><blockquote>Sigpro is a very nice component, but the problem is that it needs a lot of resources and time to make the thumbs…</blockquote>

    What do you mean folkbear? I thought the “thumbs”, if you meant the smaller sizes of the image, if I am not mistaken, they are created automatically — once you add the script in a page. Thuse thumbs are placed in the tmp directory????

    I do not create thumbs, I just optimize the larger image that I place, so that the kb sizes are not to high.


    folkbear Friend

    Thumbs are not created upon adding the script to your page. They are made everytime your page with the images loads… Depending on your cache-time, this could mean huge resource-loss. The longer you set your cachetime, the more you save on memory-use, but the shorter you set the cache-time, the more you save on serverspace…

    cgc0202 Friend

    <em>@folkbear 121256 wrote:</em><blockquote>Thumbs are not created upon adding the script to your page. They are made everytime your page with the images loads… Depending on your cache-time, this could mean huge resource-loss. The longer you set your cachetime, the more you save on memory-use, but the shorter you set the cache-time, the more you save on serverspace…</blockquote>


    For some reason, they are stored in mine. Aren’t they the ones in the temp directory?











    I have not opened the site for days now. But, they remain there. I understand your concern about this usage — that was why initially, I resisted using it.

    I wish I could call it from an external location, or use URL. I have several sites where I use an image in multiple sites.

    The thing though with URL, I cannot call the same images in Hot Topic, the image would show in the article, but not in the HpTopic module, if I use URL


    folkbear Friend

    In your plugin directory (joomla backend) have a look a the cache-time. depending on those settings some thumbs could stay in the temp directory for days…. And to be correct, the thumbs are created, once you load the page with the thumbs for the first time…

    cgc0202 Friend

    <em>@folkbear 121268 wrote:</em><blockquote>In your plugin directory (joomla backend) have a look a the cache-time. depending on those settings some thumbs could stay in the temp directory for days…. And to be correct, the thumbs are created, once you load the page with the thumbs for the first time…</blockquote>


    I have it set at 60 (I assume it is minutes), increased from the default 15. This is not critical though because I have unlimited storage space for images.:).

    Since you have used the extension, there is something I found unusual. One of the features of the SIGPRO is that the script added in a page essentially supercede the default setting indicated in the plugin/module. So that the script:


    should show a 600px “thumbnail” irrespective of what is in the default setting. This is the case in one of my sites. I used the same script in another SandBox site:


    but as you can view here, the default setting was the one that showed:

    Image Presentation : Possibilities

    I just erased the “thumbnails” created in the temp directory, but the ones that are generated are still the small thumbbnails, not the “600px” as indicated in the Script.

    Any ideas?


    folkbear Friend

    I have looked into your problem, and I must say, I can’t find a solution to it. i have never used the resizing option in the tags itself, only on the general settings in the plugin.

    my biggest problem with this plugin is not having the ability to align the images yourself…
    so i finally quit using it, and I’m currently looking for other solutions to display galleries in articles…

    cgc0202 Friend

    <em>@folkbear 121741 wrote:</em><blockquote>I have looked into your problem, and I must say, I can’t find a solution to it. i have never used the resizing option in the tags itself, only on the general settings in the plugin. </blockquote>

    Hi folkbear,

    The resizing is very powerful. I have not investigated it closely yet why it did not work for that one site. I have not tried it in other sites. It used to work quite well.

    <em>@folkbear 121741 wrote:</em><blockquote>
    my biggest problem with this plugin is not having the ability to align the images yourself… </blockquote>

    Actually, if you have the patience, when I was first looking at SIGPRO, in 2007, there is a thread in the JoomlaWorks forum that can do this. Maybe you can go back to the JoomlaWorks forum, to find this.

    If I am not mistaken, you have to wrap it in a table or alternatively create a div wrapper that floats either to the left or right.

    <em>@folkbear 121741 wrote:</em><blockquote>
    so i finally quit using it, and I’m currently looking for other solutions to display galleries in articles…</blockquote>

    <em>@folkbear 121741 wrote:</em><blockquote>
    As a matter if fact, there is.but I am not sure if it will work for you.

    phill luckhurst was kind enough to suggest an actual slideshow within a page, if you want something like that.

    It is called YouGallery, if you want a full slideshow within an article. The audio-visual tutorial is very well prepared too, and much better than their Demo, as it gives you more details on various possibilities. I wish Joomlart provides something like that with their extensions and modules.

    My only concern is the licensing. It is too restrictive. I have quite a few sites, mostly non-profit sites, I want to use it for. It will cause me thousands of dollars, if I follow their licensing limitations. Plus, technical support (the ability to access their site) is limited. This is not the case with extensions creators like JoomlaWorks, and others — lifetime technical support.


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