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  • Andrew Winkler Friend

    After making changes to the hero unit module, the ‘arrow down’ image no longer shows. Instead the ‘arrow down’ is displayed. I went back and copied and pasted the syntax of the ‘user manual’ into the module setttings, but it made no difference.

    pavit Moderator


    Could you post a screen shot or a link to the page where are you encountering this issue ?

    Andrew Winkler Friend
    Andrew Winkler Friend

    Maybe this has something to do with the problem. I just noticed that whenever I save the ‘hero unit’ module, or any other custom HTML module for that matter, a backslash () is inserted in front of every apostrophe (“). This prevents the template from recognising the hero-unit style. This happens no matter what code editor I’m using.

    pavit Moderator


    On my FF your module is showing correctly the arrow-down image take a look HERE What is missing is the hover image it loades the arrow-down image in themes/metro/images/ folder

    try to copy the arrow-down image from /templates/ja_onepage/images/arrow-down.png to /templates/ja_onepage/images/themes/metro/arrow-down.png

    Andrew Winkler Friend

    Please see the message #4 above your reply. I was able to make the circle come back, albeit without hover image, by removing all the backslashes in the module’s html settings using phpMyAdmin. As soon as I save the module settings in the Joomla backend, backslashes are inserted in front of every apostrophe (“) or hyphen (‘).

    With regards to the hover image, I checked in FileManager and the hover image (arrow-down.png) actually exists in the them image folder. I also checked the arrow down image in http://www.joomlart.com/demo/#ja_onepage using Firebug, and that doesn’t hover either, only the arrow up image at the bottom.

    pavit Moderator


    Through firebug if you insert the correct path for the image it is showing correctly

    so i tried with firebug directly on your site and it’s again showing in the correct way , maybe i’m looking in the wrong way or i misunderstood your question

    Please help me to understand better your problem

    Andrew Winkler Friend

    After overwriting the theme image file with the default image file, everything is fine now. Many thanks.

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

This topic contains 8 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Andrew Winkler 11 years, 10 months ago.

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