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  • micahgweb Friend

    Hello I have an issue with image alignment in my articles that I have isolated to JA Comment plugin. When I disable, then the images in all my articles display correctly as such:

    Otherwise the page looks like this:

    You can see the problem live here: http://hotflashnetwork.com/HotFlash-Central/what-is-a-hot-flash.html.

    You will notice that there is a big space to the left of the image and the text is not wrapping. Probably a simple fix but dont know where to look. Thanks for all your help.

    This is happening on all my articles across the board.



    1. Correct
    2. Incorrect
    Sherlock Friend

    Hi Stefano,

    You just open the file of templates/ja_seleni/css/template.css and add this css at it’s bottom

    .article-content span br{
    clear:none !important;

    That would help !

    micahgweb Friend

    Hi Dat, that was definitely helpful in resolving the image alignment problem. However now, the JA comment plugin does not appear on any article page at all. I double check to make sure everything was set to enabled and it is. Any ideas why the comments would not be showing? Now I have removed the code you asked and now the comments are still not showing.

    Please let me know any information you need from me.

    Sherlock Friend

    Hi micahgweb,

    I am not sure of what you mentioned “the JA comment plugin does not appear on any article page at all”, I just checked and still I see the Ja comment appear on some article pages, example those pages

    if you want the ja comment to display under a menu item you just go to the Content – JA Comment setting, there in the field of Select menus you choose the menu items that you wish Ja comment appear on it.

    micahgweb Friend

    Hi Dat, I believe we solved the problem. I actually used your suggestion but modified it to the following:

    .article-content br { clear:inherit !important; }

    Thanks again for all your support. Could not have done it without you.

    Be great….

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This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  micahgweb 12 years, 9 months ago.

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