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  • James Weston Friend

    Does anyone have some pointers on the following layout issue.

    If you look at this page http://www.vivaasiamagazine.com/inde…327&Itemid=458

    why is it that all my text starts at the bottom of the image? It looks really naff.


    aman204 Friend

    Do you wish to refer to main content area ?

    Also to avoid confusion, Can you please provide in screenshot marked with annotations as to what you need

    Css Magician Friend

    Dear origomedia,

    when you add image to your content, please choice “caption” and align : left. Or you can toggle editor and add image follow:

    <img class="caption" src="your images url" border="0" alt="Sample image" title="Sample image" align="left" />

Viewing 3 posts - 1 through 3 (of 3 total)

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