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  • tri141 Friend

    for Teline IV template

    I noticed this with ja comment which i have disabled, (no answers on that problem yet) but any social media plugin i add then the article main picture on top right (when article is displayed on the actual article page) will then add additional icons, images, pictures bars of anything else is on that article, which in this case picture bars and other icons from social media.

    Is there any way to disable whatever function it is that is placing multiple pictures within an article, that then adds the previous or next button scroll?

    A bit frustrated already with this!

    aman204 Friend

    <blockquote>Is there any way to disable whatever function it is that is placing multiple pictures within an article, that then adds the previous or next button scroll?</blockquote>

    You can disable plugin titled Thumbnail for Joomla content to disable this feature

    knuganga Friend

    What if I want the usual thumb up to the right in an article, but needs more images further down the article without thumbnail formatting? For instance in one partcular article? (Teline III)


    Css Magician Friend

    Dear knuganga,

    When you use ja plugin thumbnail, all images will show in your thumb, It can’t down the article. If you do that, I think you should disable the plugin.

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This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Css Magician 13 years, 11 months ago.

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