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  • netwave2 Friend

    Hi is there a way to turn off the article preview on the JA News Module? it pops up like a tool tip might only it shows the article that you are about to click on. Problem is it is an ugly yellow box and if the article is big, it covers most of the page. I would like to just disable it altogether.

    http://www.diversitywoman.airnetsolutions.org if you want to see it in action. Hover over any of the links on JA NEws.


    UPDATE: I just noticed that Firefox and IE respond differently here. IE shows a smaller # of characters, while Firefox may try and show the whole article, covering the entire screen.

    imsleepy Friend


    I don’t know how to turn it off, but if it helps any, I have attached a screenshot of what I see. I don’t get an ugly yellow box that takes up most of the page. Actually doesn’t look bad at all.

    FYI I am using Vista and IE7.

    Sorry not more help, but maybe will help you know what some viewers see and set your mind to ease.

    netwave2 Friend

    Hi Imsleepy,
    Thanks for your comments. Yes, the grey looks better, but on longer articles it covers most of the page. Second, this is a client site and they don’t care for it.

    Still hope there’s a way to turn it off.

    But thanks!

    UPDATE: I just noticed that Firefox and IE respond differently here. IE shows a smaller # of characters, while Firefox may try and show the whole article, covering the entire screen.

    ShannonN Friend

    netwave2;111141Hi Imsleepy,
    Thanks for your comments. Yes, the grey looks better, but on longer articles it covers most of the page. Second, this is a client site and they don’t care for it.

    Still hope there’s a way to turn it off.

    But thanks!

    UPDATE: I just noticed that Firefox and IE respond differently here. IE shows a smaller # of characters, while Firefox may try and show the whole article, covering the entire screen.

    I dont use it but using firebug to view the code I see that it appears that Ja news adds the link title (automatically) to the image alt tag as shown here

    <img alt=”DNA of a Top Notch Leader” src=”/images/resized/images/stories/take-the-lead/dnaleader_238_100.jpg”/>

    this is part of the css in {ja.news.css (line 85)

    .jazin-content img
    border:1px solid #CCCCCC;

    while I can’t tell you how to turn it off as I dont have teh module or template in use on any test site, I’d suggest till you find out just comment out the .jazin – content img class from the css file and look for any inherited class also

    While it is a kludge at best it should work for now
    Hope this helps

    imsleepy Friend

    CSS isn’t going to do much to fix this… only control the layout and coloring of the box. To make it go away completely will me some modifications to a couple of files from what I can see. The offending script actually is generated here… in red… in mod_janews_j15 > tmpl > blog_item.php

    if (count ($rows) > $i) {
    echo "<strong class="jazin-more">More:</strong>n";
    echo "<ul class="jazin-links">n";

    while (count ($rows) > $i) {
    $row = $rows[$i];
    $link = JRoute::_(ContentHelperRoute::getArticleRoute($row->slug, $row->catslug, $row->sectionid.":testset"));
    <a title="<?php echo strip_tags($row->introtext); ?>" href="<?php echo $link; ?>">
    <?php echo $row->title; ?></a>

    Unfortunately, there is a little more to it than that because I tried just removing that line and it didn’t help. I believe this line of script resides in two other files. Haven’t had the time to try taking it out of all the files yet and see what happens. I am still certain there has to be a better way… like simply controlling the amount of text shown, but messing with that also reduces the amount of text in other previews as well because it is called introtext which is also used to control a few other functions. I just don’t know enough about this module yet to figure it out…. but I am determined to find it. Really should not have been written in this way without an easy way to control how much text it displays and if you want anything displayed at all. It is in the new Cooper template this way too 🙁

    imsleepy Friend

    Just realized the css posted by ShannonN was for the image alt tag. We are looking for a way to remove the article preview pop out box which is what the script I posted points to.

    quantaweb Friend

    imsleepy – you are right about removing that piece of code. I have seen this before and the problem is that ja_news grabs the entire introtext (up to the readmore). For the mouseover popup, ja_news does not use a trimmed version based on the preview length (Max Chars parameter) which is set in the back end. If you do not use ReadMore to chop the article into two parts, then the entire article will land in the introtext part, resulting in this disaster.

    Since the code as shown already strips out all of the HTML, it is safe to just cut it off to be the same length as the ja_news ‘Max Chars’ preview length if you like. My preference is to set it to half the length of the articles above it, so just insert this code into the place highlighted by imsleepy:

    [PHP]<?php echo substr(htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($row->introtext)),0,$maxchars/2).”…”; ?>[/PHP]

    ShannonN Friend

    imsleepy;113412Just realized the css posted by ShannonN was for the image alt tag. We are looking for a way to remove the article preview pop out box which is what the script I posted points to.

    My mistake Imsleepy didn’t read teh op post and I screwed up what can I say too eager to help perhaps?:)

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