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  • simczak Friend

    I install JA Comment and all the plugins, enable on all page and menus on joomla 1.6. But in the frontend instead of showing the comment box, it shows the word: undefined.

    Take a look:

    I am done something wrong?

    sloperawls Friend

    <em>@simczak 239120 wrote:</em><blockquote>I install JA Comment and all the plugins, enable on all page and menus on joomla 1.6. But in the frontend instead of showing the comment box, it shows the word: undefined.

    Take a look:

    I am done something wrong?</blockquote>


    I am having the exact same problem.


    simczak Friend

    I do not know what could be. At first I thought it was a conflit with other plugins, but I have just a few installed and I disable some, but still nothing.

    Looking in the source code of the page, all the JA Comment code is there, but it only shows undefined.

    sloperawls Friend

    i have tried a few things also. What’s weird is that every once in a while, it will work as expected. like maybe 1 out of every 50 page views.

    if you find a solution, please post it here : )

    simczak Friend

    I didnĀ“t find a solution, but I find the problem.

    It seems to be a conflict with ARTIO JoomSEF plugin. If I disable the plugin the JA comments shows normally. But if I enable, it just shows the word “undifined”.

    But if I disable ARTIO JoomSEF plugin, all the urls change and I lost all the nice urls that I set in this plugin.

    Please Joomlart fellows, could you please give me some light on this?

    Stork11 Friend


    I raised this issue on our bug tracking system. You can follow it by using this link http://pm.joomlart.com/browse/JAECCOMCOMMENTJVI-72 . I will inform you when the new version released ASAP.

    Thank you for your report this issue.

    simczak Friend

    I can’t access this bug track link.

    It shows that it is necessary to login, then when I am logged, it says: Permission Violation.

    Stork11 Friend

    Try again, please.

    Thank you

    sloperawls Friend


    I’m having this same problem but I am not using the artio joomsef plugin

    Stork11 Friend

    <em>@sloperawls 254466 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hello,

    I’m having this same problem but I am not using the artio joomsef plugin</blockquote>


    Which SEF plugin do you use?

    BTW, could you provide me with your site information (your site URL, your site admin account) and your FTP account? So I can diagnose this problem.

    Please use the following ticket link to update your information: http://support.joomlart.com/index.php?/Tickets/Ticket/View/77063

    Best regards.

    superleek Friend

    I have the same “Undefined” issue. I am using the meta seo generator plug-in and runing Joomla 1.7.

    sloperawls Friend

    <em>@superleek 256320 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hello,
    I have the same “Undefined” issue. I am using the meta seo generator plug-in and runing Joomla 1.7.


    Updating to the latest version of jacomments fixed the issue for me.

    superleek Friend

    Well, i am using 1.03 wich seems to be newest version, still got the issue.

    sloperawls Friend

    Try installing all the plugins associated with jacomment. Even with the newest version of the component, I had the “undefined” issue until i tried installing all those plugins. I’m not sure which one did the trick though.

    superleek Friend

    Thx for your help but i installed every single file available and the best progress i got was a link showing in blog view but when i click it > no box, only undefined. Tried to disable the seo plugin without succes . :((

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