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  • evacm Friend

    I would like to have 2 columns in an article, 50 % – 50% that went responsive into 1 column when seen in mobile devices.
    Is it possible?

    Thanks in advance.

    Eragon H Friend

    You can follow these steps:

    1. Change the Menu item showing article to “Category Blog”: http://prntscr.com/4p5bxd

    2. Tab: Blog layout: Configure as this http://prntscr.com/4p5c5u

    Desktop view: http://prntscr.com/4p5cbg
    Mobile view: http://prntscr.com/4p5cfn

    evacm Friend

    Hi Eragon.
    Thanks for your answer.
    But what I wanted is to show in columns the content of 1 article, not some articles as a category blog.
    I thought I could use some class like “col-md-6” but that doesn’t work with Mixmaz (I updated everything just in case that was the reason, but it wasn’t).
    Finally I created my own classes at the different css layouts. It’s working now.
    Thanks again.

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