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  • Kevin Collins Friend

    Not sure if my issue the same. But I would like the latest articles category on the Home Page to open on a new page when the Read More or Headline link is selected. Currently it jumps back to the top of page when expanding the article. Bad ui. As an alternative I would be ok with the article expanding if it didn’t jump to the slide show and stayed on the expanded article.

    I believe the article ID is fixed in the ReadMore for the home page and I don’t know how to fix this. Please help.


    antho5914 Friend

    It’s the same issue but i don’t have solution for this…

    Kevin Collins Friend

    I don’t understand why this is so complicated. Is it that Joomlart has hard coded the Readmore and Title/Headline link to always have this behavior. My client is getting very frustrated with the home page always jumping to the top of page and disappearing when just wanted to read more of the article. It’s very bad UI. I need a solution for this as it sounds like you do also. Is there anyone else we turn to. Maybe the main programmer has a solution for this problem. How can we contact someone else besides the forum moderator who does not have a solution?



    John Wesley Brett Moderator

    You are misunderstanding how Joomla is operating…and you are misusing your CATEGORIES.

    Your “LATEST” category is set to appear, apparently, on FRONT PAGE, OR…the modules (slideshow, etc) on the front page are set to appear when a “LATEST” category article is chosen.

    For instance….go to page 3 of your FEATURED ARTICLES…and click on the ‘BHI Warns against Do it Yourself…” story. You’ll see it behaves differently because it is a NEWS category.

    Simply quit using LATEST as a category for your content and use better category names. It’s not necessary, as FEATURED ARTICLES is already pulling in the latest or most recent items in.

    1. advancedHearing
    Kevin Collins Friend

    Not so fast. I changed all featured articles from Latest to News or Newsflash. It still does the same thing when clicking on articles in the home page. Jumps to top of page with slideshow and opens the article. I checked the slideshow and it is pulling from category Slideshow articles and is only set to be used on the home page.

    Bottom line behavior is still the same on the home page. Still need solution.



    John Wesley Brett Moderator

    You are still not understanding. And I’m sorry I’m apparently not being clear.

    I would be glad to assist if you would be so kind as to provide an admin login.
    The settings leading to or from your FEATURES ARTICLES needs to be changed.
    It could be any number of things (modules positions, menu item, category, etc.) or a combination that is causing what you are seeing.
    This is not a bug with the template… (see demo) it is with your settings.

    Joomla can sometimes be a little frustrating…but I promise you when you find the issue…you’ll do a palm slap to your forehead! 🙂

    Kevin Collins Friend


    I sent you a PM with log in details. Have you had a chance to review the site?

    Thanks K

    John Wesley Brett Moderator

    Perfect…and found your problem.

    The NEWS > LATEST NEWS and FEATURED NEWS categories will always show with the homepage modules under your currently configuration.

    As suspected, you have the CATEGORY of the articles, a bit confused.
    You have TWO different CATEGORIES called “NEWS”
    – one which is attached to the LATEST NEWS and FEATURED NEWS actions, and
    – one that is a normal Content Category.

    All you need to do is simply change the category of your article from the NEWS Category (which is the parent of Joomla standard Latest and Featured categories) and scroll further down your list until you find the other NEWS content category…the one YOU created. Actually some are already set correctly…as we mentioned above (page 3)

    Select that one and you are good to go…or any other category really. Using the NEWS category which is the parent of the Latest/Featured categories is what is getting you intro trouble.

    Have fun!

    Kevin Collins Friend

    Got it. Thanks.

    John Wesley Brett Moderator

    Any time. 🙂

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This topic contains 10 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  John Wesley Brett 12 years, 9 months ago.

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