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  • iluminada Friend

    Hi, I don’t want that the articles of JA News featured (in sl1-1) shows in frontpage. The articles of the module have to open inside site…How can I do it?

    splico123 Friend

    Just open module and on the bottom you set to show “only on selected menus” and click where you want it shown and where you dont..


    iluminada Friend

    No, the module is in homepage, I want the module in sl1-1 position in only homepage, but the article must open inside of the site and no in homepage. In module configuration I have home in main menu and it’s o.k. In article configuration I can’t decide where it must open…do you hace another idea?

    chavan Friend


    If an articles doesn’t belong to a menu, automatically it will belongs to home page.
    So you just create a category blog menu and assign category that having features articles.

    iluminada Friend

    O.K, it means that the featured articles have to be linked in a menu item for to appear inside and no in homepage. I will have to create a menu for them. Thanks..!

    osseo Friend

    I understand by adding “featured stories” article to a menu item so it will display as full article page, but this can’t not be the “only way”. I don’t want to create a menu for all my featured stories and assign to it, I want to have bunch of articles but NOT assign them to menu items and still have them display as full page article.

    Just like the JA nex demo site example feature article:

    I don’t see this article assign to any menu item but it still show up as full page instead on the bottom of the frontpage.
    Can anyone tell me how this was done?


    Ninja Lead Moderator

    In Joomla, if you want to view article individually, that article must be assigned to a menu item. Pls create a new menu item (or use an existing one) and assign article (or category that article belongs to) to this new menu item and also make sure that you don’t assign any module to this menu item.

    My screenshot will help you to understand more

    1. Menu_Items
    osseo Friend


    Your screenshot shows Joomla 3.x, I’m still using 2.x, but I do understand what you are trying to show me. However, I know in Joomla, I can still have an article show on full page view without assign to a menu item. I can link to that article within another page, I don’t want “every article page” link to a menu item… that will be too much menus if I have over 1000 pages!

    I know there must be a way, because in your demo site, not every feature stories are link to an menu item… or at least is not visible under the main menu? Maybe there is a way to “hide” a menu item but still have the page display when you know the exactly URL/path to that article?

    Please let me know if I’m not clear on my question, thanks.

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    As I said above, you can assign category that article belongs to (so that you don’t need to assign every article) to one menu item. And, that menu item can be one of another menu, not just the main menu, you can create a new menu and create its own menu items.

    That’s the way Joomla supports by default. Otherwise, you should raise this in Joomla forum for further suggestion.

    osseo Friend

    Hi Ninja Lead,

    I did as you suggested, but still not working. The feature article still shows up on the bottom of the homepage instead of on the single article page. Here are the steps I did, please let me know if I’ve missed anything:

    1. I created a new menu called “Home Menu”.
    2. I added a new menu item under Home Menu called “Feature articles”.
    I’ve select the following settings under “Feature articles”:

    • menu item type: Category Blog
    • menu location” Home menu
    • choose a category: Featured Stories
    • blog layout options: leading 1, intro 1, columns 1

    3. When I went to my testing site: http://jlamp.district279.org/
    and click on the first Featured Stories “Full Steam ahead……”
    then that article shows up on the bottom of the homepage – which is not what I want.
    I want to show as in your demo site, which is inside an article page as full page article display. See example: http://joomla-templates.joomlart.com/ja_nex/index.php/explore/navigations/mega-menu

    Please help! Thanks,

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    Hi Emily,

    You can try to do with my below solution again

    1) Home Menu

    menu item type: Featured Articles
    menu location” Home menu
    choose a category: ROOT CATEGORY
    blog layout options: leading 1, intro 1, columns 1

    2) Create Featured News Menu

    menu item type: Category Blog
    choose a category: Featured Stories
    blog layout options: leading 1, intro 1, columns 1

    3) Click article in HOME: FEATURED STORIES

    Featured News: Article 2
    Featured News: Article 3
    Featured News: Article 4

    It will show the detail of articles

    Don’t forget to clear cache from Admin area after applying any changes

    If you don’t solve it, please pm me admin account of your site. I shall help you to do that


    osseo Friend

    Hi Ninja Lead,

    Somehow I got it to work when I change the setting under feature news module setting, but by changing the “Home menu” setting cause all the articles displaying as full length on the bottom of the homepage and I can’t seem to get rid of it.

    I’ve already PM you the login and please help me fix it. Thanks!

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    I helped to config the problem on your site with my above solution here.

    You can check it from back-end on your site. Please let me know if it helps

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