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  • L John Friend

    When you click on an article it opens at the bottom of the page, instead of the link taking you to the article. I would like to have the article open when the link (name) or “Read more” is entered, instead of opening it opening at the bottom of the page.

    Any help?

    mayuri_g Friend

    Admin detail provided by you, did not work. can you please check the detail at your end and then update that again at

    mayuri_g Friend


    You have used Ja News Pro Module to display news articals.
    Module contains only brief information,links. The actual contents of links are displayed in main body.
    so when you click on an article it will open at the bottom of the page, in the main content block only.

    L John Friend

    <em>@mayuri_g 246934 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hello,

    You have used Ja News Pro Module to display news articals.
    Module contains only brief information,links. The actual contents of links are displayed in main body.
    so when you click on an article it will open at the bottom of the page, in the main content block only.</blockquote>

    I would like the content to be displayed in the main body.
    I would like the same behavious as the sample template; when the link is clicked, it opens the article at the top in the main page area.
    In my case the article is being opened at the bottom of the page and the user is not aware that this has happened.
    Is this a re-direct issue?

    mayuri_g Friend


    If you check in JA Teline Demo when you click on some article, some menu item in the top menu gets highlited. The highlighted menu item is different when you click on article from some other category. This is because each category has a different menu item for it. And the JA NEws Pro module is set to publish only on home page and not these category blog pages, that is why when you open an article, you dont see the JA News pro module on the top.

    In your case you have created a News menu item in your Ramblers menu, which is of type Category blog. When you create a category blog type of menu, the itemid assigned to that menu item gets related to the category you select and the artilces under that category. When you choose to publish a module on some specific menu items, you choose to show the module on all the page that have the same itemid as the selected menu items.

    In your case, you have created the category blog type menu item for NEWS category and have published the JA News Pro module on the menu item NEWS, inturn choosing this module to display on all the articles under News category & its subcategories.

    What I would suggest you to do is that, display the JA News Pro module on say home page and then after clicking on an article link you will be able to see only the article and not the module..

    Hope I have explained this clearly. If you still need more help, please let me know.

    L John Friend
    #396538 – This site is working without the direct menu link for the categories.
    I have now configured the menu item to open in a new page with navigation; this works better but opens a full page instead of opening the article in content-mass area of the page.

    I understand your explanation above but the example site is redirecting the articles in the same way as i’me trying to do it.

    This still seems to be a redirection problem with the menu item.

    mayuri_g Friend


    I have checked the refferance site you have given and when I click on article link I see a full article.
    This artiacle gets loaded in the main body area and It cant be loaded in the content mass position . So I am not sure what exactly you are trying to achieve so If you can give me some screenshot which displays what you want It will be easier to help you.

    L John Friend

    The problem was solved by Uninstalling the module and Re-installing.
    Seems like the initial installation of the module had issues.

    thangnn1510 Friend

    Hi LJohn!

    I have checked your site and seen that when I go to “News” and “Event” categories and then click to articles. They all open in top. Please confirm me or tell us if there’s any problem.


    L John Friend

    <em>@thangnn1510 248786 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi LJohn!

    I have checked your site and seen that when I go to “News” and “Event” categories and then click to articles. They all open in top. Please confirm me or tell us if there’s any problem.


    I re-installed the module and it began to work fine; then it got broken again.
    I created a second copy of the module and now the articles are opening at the bottom of the page.
    Now working on trying to find whats breaking the redirection. Not sure if the duplication is the cause; still testing.

    L John Friend

    <em>@ljohn 249010 wrote:</em><blockquote>I re-installed the module and it began to work fine; then it got broken again.
    I created a second copy of the module and now the articles are opening at the bottom of the page.
    Now working on trying to find whats breaking the redirection. Not sure if the duplication is the cause; still testing.</blockquote>

    Problem Resolved.
    “Hide Main Content Area” was enabled on the news page.
    That resulted in only the first column being viewable on the page; some articles were showing up on the front page without redirecting you there. After “main content” was enabled all articles are now being displayed above the article.

    thangnn1510 Friend

    We’re glad to hear that you could solve it. Thanks for sharing the solution.

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