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  • antoniu1 Friend

    Hi Scotty,

    Agree with you. I am noticing some pretty nice frameworks these days. As JA and RT were the first and biggest clubs in the past, I would think JA would have spent lots of time on these developments.

    For the past year there has been lots of dicsussion on the two a month template subject. JA’s argument has always been that they didn’t have enough time to create real nice templates because they didn’t have enough time. The solution would be only template a month.

    But then JA got suddenly into Magento templates all the way! This consumes lots of time also and I am seriously wondering if Hung is going to keep his word for the future Joomla templates. The single reason members agreed and chose for one a month is that the templates would be far better than ever before.

    Well let’s see, I am an optimistic guy that loves JA from the beginning and perhaps Hung is going to do some nice magic starting the next template. 😀


    TomC Moderator

    Personally, I think there have been some pretty nice templates released here over the past year . . . JA Sulfur, JA Tube, JA Ruby, JA Cooper, JA Zeolite, JA Quartz, JA Nagya, etc.

    Truthfully, I am not seeing anything more special from any of the other template clubs – they ALL follow the same basic Joomla template structures. Yes, not all designs are going to please all people – that is the simple truth of the matter.

    I have said it many times, but the message still seems to fall of deaf ears for many . . . WHAT are you looking to see? “Something different” or “Out of the box” are empty words without some constructive suggestions and/or ideas to back them up. That’s like someone asking you “what do you want for Christmas” . . . and you say “I dunno … stuff.”

    antoniu1 Friend

    Hi Tom,

    I do not agree with you. I am not talking about the design, “how it looks”. I build sites for companies, some of them large ones. They want all kinds of things that require content positioning that requires all kind of module positions. Most of the time they’ll come back asking if there can be a left column, for example. If it’s not there, I have to add it myself, which can corrupt the whole structure. So I protect myself and use structures that allow me the flexibility to add nearly anything that is asked for.

    Not that every club needs to have or do the same thing, but there are many differences compared to other clubs right now. YT has an extensive template framework, Morph is another one, and so does RT. These are very important for flexibility.

    Even though their designs are often not to my liking, I will completely redesign their templates, because I know the framework will provide me with much flexibility. “Simple” things like sublines for menu items and modules are more and more wished for. SEO is another important thing. Module variations are hardly available, so I need to code them myself, instead of redesign existing ones, which is much easier.

    So you see, this is more about the backend of the templates. I DO like many designs JA provides, no doubt about that. I run into limitations that I think could be quite easily be solved for the future and save JA a lot of time too with future designs, as then “how it looks” would become the most important thing, not the framework, compatibility, SEO,etc.


    TomC Moderator

    The point I think that many here (from the comments I read) consistently miss is that JA provides templates – i.e. base starting points – from which you, as the website designer, take and build upon. Often times this involves adding things that aren’t part of the original template – such as additional module positions. I do this very often – and the learning experience in doing so is invaluable.

    So, again, not everyone is going to like every template that is released – that’s simply a given that we all must accept. Furthermore, JA cannot create templates that will cater to each and every individual person’s individual needs . . . that is for the individual user to work/deal with in developing a customized website experience.

    Those of you who take on clients for web development . . . I would think/hope that you would have the proficiency top be able to work with CSS and PHP structure so as to be able to customize templates you work with to your client’s needs. Otherwise, why are you holding yourselves out as web design professionals?

    didima Friend

    l like this converstaion, but dont worry last templates should be free because nothing special about.

    scotty Friend

    tcraw1010;139329The point I think that many here (from the comments I read) consistently miss is that JA provides templates – i.e. base starting points

    So why not just release a basic index.php every month and no CSS or extensions if people are supposed to go and make their own anyway?

    This is my whole point Tom.

    JA supply bare template – take it or leave it.

    Other clubs release bare template – with numerous template parameters & configuration options, 20+ module suffix, 30+ module positions which are also configurable, advanced mootool effects, tabs & highslide and other ‘in-house’ extensions in every release, detailed documentation for each release (+ videos with some). The list goes on.

    Joomlart are falling behind – it’s that simple. Tom, if you could not redeem credits here would you honestly pay the $499 dev fee when you see what other clubs are doing for half the price?

    Don’t get me wrong, there are a number of JA templates which are on their own worth the $70, or whatever it is to join. Teline being one of them. But the fact is that Joomlart are not progressing at the same rate other clubs are. Look around all the other clubs release this month and honestly tell me where you rank Mona in the list. I guarantee it’s closer to the bottom than the top. 🙁

    TomC Moderator

    scotty;139347So why not just release a basic index.php every month and no CSS or extensions if people are supposed to go and make their own anyway?

    Scotty, i think you realize what a silly question that is, don’t you?

    Joomlart are falling behind – it’s that simple. Tom, if you could not redeem credits here would you honestly pay the $499 dev fee when you see what other clubs are doing for half the price?

    Developer License, probably not . . . . nor would I pay it anywhere else. I would, however pay for the standard membership fee – as I did when I joined.

    Don’t get me wrong, there are a number of JA templates which are on their own worth the $70, or whatever it is to join. Teline being one of them. But the fact is that Joomlart are not progressing at the same rate other clubs are. Look around all the other clubs release this month and honestly tell me where you rank Mona in the list. I guarantee it’s closer to the bottom than the top. 🙁

    Appeal for one template over another will always be subjective – plain and simple. I have looked around at the other clubs and, to be quite honest, NONE of the August releases have wowed me in any way. I am sure there are those who are impressed with one or two of them – again, it’s a purely subjective issue. I happen to think that MONA is a pretty darn decent BLOG template (as is advertised).

    I also happen to think that JA’s designs are amongst the most versitile of all the template clubs.
    You may disagree … which is perfectly fine – you are entitled to your opinion.

    antoniu1 Friend

    Can I be Tom2? :confused:

    Tom2 :p

    scotty Friend

    tcraw1010;139348Scotty, i think you realize what a silly question that is, don’t you?

    Yes Tom. It was supposed to be.

    mfcphil Friend

    I think we should all just hold are breath and wait and see what this month brings….then one way or another we can all have a great big royal rumble of a debate

    oh and looking about the nexus template looks pretty nice to me 😉

    thatcomputerdude Friend

    I’m on the edge of my seat looking forward to seeing what the August template will look like!

    thatcomputerdude Friend

    I’m not sure I’m going to be able to control my excitement much longer. I have very high hopes for this August template!

    What do you guys think… That it will be a breakout template that everyone has been hoping for the past few months?

    mfcphil Friend

    Think the rumours are a new Teline

    SP Media Friend

    I remain reserved. It’ll have to throw everything else out of the water, and actually be fully functional. Tag clouds for instance, a simple thing yet never implemented as a working plugin, usable galleries, etc. Time to wait and see.

    munders Friend

    I hope so. They have had twice as long to create it so it should be fantastic.

    If not…… then it will break them. There are so many members that will protest because they are hard done by – and rightly so.

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