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  • Author
  • rocher Friend


    I want to display an Author Bio similar to the bio at the bottom of the "Hudson Witness Stanley Laugh" article on your Magz II demo: http://joomlart.com/demo/#magz-ii

    I’ve seen in the forum someone else posted an issue with the Author Bio Box on mobile devices, which you resolved: https://www.joomlart.com/forums/topic/bio-box-author-is-not-responsive/

    But I can’t find documentation for how to set it up, nor any other forum posts.

    Also, I’d like to click on a link in the Author’s Bio (preferably the Author’s name) and display all the Articles written by the Author. I thought I might be able to do this by displaying the Author in Category Blog and/or Article. However, it only displays the basic details from Contacts.

    I’m developing this website locally, so I can’t send you a URL. If you could please just point me to the documentation or demo functionality, that’d be great.

    Regards, Robertf

    Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    Its custom text that is added in the article source code .
    Here is the code

    <div class="author"><img src="images/joomlart/demo/author.jpg" alt="" />
    <p>"Nunc quis posuere nisl, eu viverra tellus. Morbi quis quam lorem. Phasellus ultricies ullamcorper tristique"</p>
    - Ray Greene</div>
    rocher Friend

    Thanks for that. Does JA Magz II have the same functionality as JA Magz to create an author profile page and to list all articles for a selected author? (I’ve attached a screen shot from your Meet JA Magz blog post.)

    Regards, Robert

    1. Screen-Shot-2016-09-13-at-3.17.52-PM
    Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    No the userpage is only in JA Magz template .

    rocher Friend

    Oh, so there’s no way to list the author bios and their articles in JA Magz II?

    As it’s a news and magazine template, I just assumed this functionality existed. Can you recommend any extensions that may provide it?

    I have tried searching the Joomla Extensions Directory, but it’s like look for a needle in a disorganised haystack!

    Regards, Robert

    Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    You can search for Author info box , that is popular extension to show Author info Here .

    Beside the the feature to add Author page on JA MAgz II may took heavy customization , if you are developer you can check how its defined in JA Magz template and then re-coded it for Magz ii.

    rocher Friend

    Thanks, I had a look at Author Info Box, but it hasn’t been updated since February.

    While I do have some technical knowledge, coding the author bios/article listing functionality from JA Magz is beyond my skills. Besides which, I want to get this website up and running in the next week or so.

    I have thought of a "work around", where I add a link on the custom code you provided above to search for articles containing the author’s name, e.g.: …/search-page?searchword=ray%20green&searchphrase=all

    This seems to work, but displays the results in the "Blog post" view/menu. Is there a setting somewhere to specify which view/menu to use for the search-page? I’ve had a look, but I can’t find anything in the Global Configuration/Search options or Template settings.

    Thanks once again for your help.

    Regards, Robert

    Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    its only an article content like other content of the article on your site and shows on full article page .

    rocher Friend

    Thanks, your response pointed me in the right direction. I realised the menu/view displaying the search results is in fact the Default template for the website (ja_magz_ii – Default) and the "Blog post" menu option (from your demo site) uses that, hence it displayed the results.

    I think I can work this out from here on it … though it is a shame the author bios/article listing of JA Magz didn’t make it into Magz II.

    Regards, Robert

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)

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