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  • zorroh Friend

    I tweaked Side News module a bit, it shows author below title…

    how i can make link of it, so author is linked to an author contact? like in category blog..

    my code
    [PHP]<i class=”icon-user”> </i><?php $author=&JFactory::getUser($item->created_by);
    echo $author->name; ?></span>[/PHP]

    phong nam Friend

    Hi zorroh,

    We are really sorry for the late response on your concern. The codes should be:

    <i class="icon-user"> </i><?php echo JText::sprintf('FUBIX_COM_CONTENT_WRITTEN_BY', '<span>'.JHtml::_('link', JRoute::_($cntlink), $author).'</span>'); ?>

    Make sure that you also move all defined functions of author in blog_item.php to sidenews_content.php file of JA Sidenews. You can put the sidenews_content.php at templates/ja_fubix/html/mod_sidenews/ .

Viewing 2 posts - 1 through 2 (of 2 total)

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  phong nam 11 years, 3 months ago.

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