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  • apolon Friend

    On the sample website http://www.joomlart.com/templates_demo.php?template=ja_teline it is possible to set the width of the page after clicking the Members area button on the page. When the Members area button is clicked it displays buttons up the top that change the appearance of the page. It has 3 buttons to change the width of the page. These buttons are narrow, wide and auto- width.

    But on my web page in the Members area up the top there are only narrow and wide buttons to change the width. Is there any way to enable the Auto-Width button to appear in the Members area section of the web page.

    Anonymous Moderator

    Please try with my guide:

    + Open ja_templatetools.php file in templatesja_teline folder, at about line 23, find following script:
    [PHP]var $_ja_screen_sizes = array (‘narrow’, ‘wide’);[/PHP]

    and change to:

    [PHP]var $_ja_screen_sizes = array (‘narrow’, ‘wide’, ‘auto’);[/PHP]

    apolon Friend

    That worked perfectly 🙂

    Thanks for your help

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