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  • YitzySvei Friend

    How do I change the background color of this template the background is white anyway to change it or no?

    techjig Friend

    Go to /ja_pollux/css/colors/grey.css or whatever color your using and modify the template. The below section is at the top of the css file.

    body#bd {
    background: #E7E7E7; /* a trick to stick the footer at the bottom 🙂 */

    rcsbobby Friend

    That doesnt seem to work…

    The blue css file is the only one I have and I changed the color and its still white…

    body#bd {

    background: #860000; /* a trick to stick the footer at the bottom 🙂 */


    rcsbobby Friend

    This is what changes the main bg color. Its found in CSS/Color/Blue*

    I used a background image in the example below, instead of a color.

    #ja-containerwrap {

    clear: both;

    border-top: 1px solid #A9B7BC;

    background-image: url(../../images/blue/bg.gif);

    background-repeat: repeat-y;


Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  rcsbobby 17 years, 3 months ago.

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