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  • anjalivasan Friend

    hi folks,

    i understand how to change the module class suffix and block tags in module manager, and am now looking to change the icon/badge/color themselves. meaning :
    1. i would like badge text to read “abc”, “xyz” and “opq” instead of “hot”, “new”, and “top”.
    2. i would like to establish new colors for badges (the above types and the ones marked audio, video, image) to correlate to my modules (orange, grey, beige, black, green).
    3. i would like to use a custom icon (eg. a parachute instead of a twitter bird, a microphone instead of a tag, etc).

    i found two image files in the samples section of the tempate (attached : badge 1 and badge 2), but i dont know how / where to locate each individually and apply them. i found two images marked “icon-quote” and “icon-twitter” but thats about it…… where do i find the others to change their basic values?
    how do i, for example, apply a module class suffix to “abc” or how do i locate the assignment of blocktag = parachute?

    lastly, can someone explain to me the concept of a wrapper… how does it differ from the blocktags ?
    (for example : the twitter wrapper. is there a way to make a “wrapper” of a different image, say my logo? how would that function differently from the heart/phone/question mark…..icons?)

    thanks thanks

    1. badge-1
    2. badge-2
    3. icon-quote
    Sherlock Friend

    Hi anjalivasan,

    <blockquote>1. i would like badge text to read “abc”, “xyz” and “opq” instead of “hot”, “new”, and “top”.
    2. i would like to establish new colors for badges (the above types and the ones marked audio, video, image) to correlate to my modules (orange, grey, beige, black, green).
    3. i would like to use a custom icon (eg. a parachute instead of a twitter bird, a microphone instead of a tag, etc).</blockquote>

    Those texts.icons are displayed via an image file of templates/ja_elastica/images/badge-2.png you would need to modify that image file
    I am not much sure what’s the wrapper you meant, Could you please explain it a little bit more details ?

    anjalivasan Friend

    thanks mr. holmes!

    are you saying that if i photoshop what i want into the badge-2 and badge-1.png and then upload the same to the ftp location, they would work? how does the code decipher which image to use from the column of 6-8 icons in a single file? do i need to save as something particular that recognizes the txt of each icon? is that questions making sense?

    Those texts.icons are displayed via an image file of templates/ja_elastica/images/badge-2.png you would need to modify that image file
    I am not much sure what’s the wrapper you meant, Could you please explain it a little bit more details ?</blockquote>

    i am talking about the “twitter wrapper”. see attached image.

    another question :
    how do i change my browser window title (as seen in attached image)?

    fighting with image sliders and slideshows right now….aaah.

    1. 2-qus
    Sherlock Friend

    <blockquote>are you saying that if i photoshop what i want into the badge-2 and badge-1.png and then upload the same to the ftp location, they would work? how does the code decipher which image to use from the column of 6-8 icons in a single file? do i need to save as something particular that recognizes the txt of each icon? is that questions making sense?</blockquote>
    To get the right icon display from the column as you want you would need a css rule, For example in the elastica demo for the new badge module, open the file of templates/ja_elastica/css/typo.css you would see this css rule
    .badge-new .badge {
    background-position: 0 -45px;
    That defined rule would help to display the right New icon from the background image 🙂
    <blockquote> i am talking about the “twitter wrapper”. see attached image.</blockquote>
    You can replace your own file with this image file of templates/ja_elastica/images/icons/icon-twitter.png

    <blockquote> another question :
    how do i change my browser window title (as seen in attached image)?</blockquote>
    You just go the menu back-end setting of the default menu item, there under the Page Display Options panel you can change the value for the field of Browser Page Title

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