Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 15 total)
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  • we2solutions Friend

    Hi All,

    I think this is the one of the best designed template that nicely done buy the JA Team.wish them all the best..more nice templates we wanted from you Hung 🙂


    lauramba Friend

    I agree … great design!

    ShannonN Friend

    dumindard;117312Hi All,

    I think this is the one of the best designed template that nicely done buy the JA Team.wish them all the best..more nice templates we wanted from you Hung 🙂


    It’s nice I agree but hollow, there is nothing with it, I know we design around it we add stuff heard it all before. Where are the inclusions? Community builder integrated, whatever Forum is current flavour of the month, integrated, etc

    Again Yes I know we can add these, but given the nature of the theme, sports, any serious user of this site would want these additions, save everyone a lot of time and stuff if they were there already tested etc?

    Given the enormous waiting time for this template and the hype its nice but extremely bare and ordinary looking. Time for some 3 and four column templates I think and JA to pour more resources into Ja Templates instead of Magento development

    Hung Dinh Friend

    As our commitment, we offer quality Joomla templates, from time to time, we do some extra themes for forums like fireboard or Virtuemart, however we can not do that to all of the templates. JoomlArt is now the only good template club providing 2 templates per months, and we can only work on extra integration when the template number reduce to 1/month

    Magento is for Magento lovers, and that is a different story.

    TomC Moderator

    <em>@ShannonN 117350 wrote:</em><blockquote>I
    Again Yes I know we can add these, but given the nature of the theme, sports, any serious user of this site would want these additions, save everyone a lot of time and stuff if they were there already tested etc?[/quote]
    Shannon . . . it’s a TEMPLATE – not a turnkey website. If you know you can add the things you want, then add them.
    That would be your choice and prerogative . . . some people may not want them.

    Given the enormous waiting time for this template and the hype its nice but extremely bare and ordinary looking. Time for some 3 and four column templates I think and JA to pour more resources into Ja Templates instead of Magento development
    See, now this is an example of where one’s opinion is different than another. I, for one, appreciate the diversity of JA’s venture into Magento themes. I also recognize that these templates and themes are just that templates and themes – not turnkey ready-to-go websites that require no effort or work whatsoever. Nothing worth doing in this life is free from putting in the time and effort to make it right and your own.

    ShannonN Friend

    Hung Dinh;117366As our commitment, we offer quality Joomla templates, from time to time, we do some extra themes for forums like fireboard or Virtuemart, however we can not do that to all of the templates. JoomlArt is now the only good template club providing 2 templates per months, and we can only work on extra integration when the template number reduce to 1/month

    Magento is for Magento lovers, and that is a different story.

    HI Hung
    Same stock response, old tired statement about quality templates etc etc we know that Hung.

    That’s why we support you. But there needs to be something better from you, recycled grunge may be good at times but it’s wearing thin, whats needed are templates with integrated stuff.

    If you haven’t the staff to do it, hire more, you’re a business and making a very good income . Magento is a seperate entity but I still think you’re using JA staff that normally do our templates to do the Magento stuff?

    How about being a little more forthcoming and telling us more about how JA works? What with Joomlancers, Ijoomla, Magento development can you say you have the resources to commit to JA templates at two per mth till changover to 1?

    How long has it been since a JA template had integrated CB ? don’t say things like 2 templates per month when you know we got one template last month and 5 mins worth of colours as fill ? and because, Magento development? perhaps, The poll? That was rigged as you said the decision had been made before the poll was up.

    I would love for you to explain the resources available for JA template creation and either confirm the same technical staff are working on Magento or totally different staffing as an open community we appreciate you telling us about JA it’s staff the links with Joomlancers etc

    We are open with you, we appreciate youre a business, we appreciate you have staffing problems, we know you have no idea of support that’s why it’s left to the community to do it for you. and quoting this “we can only work on extra integration when the template number reduce to 1/month” indicates your struggling to meet all the commitments as it is.

    I as a long term supporter and member merely ask for some honest answers Hung
    No more scripted statements on what you do we already know that stuff
    Cheers ShannonN

    TomC Moderator

    <em>@ShannonN 117378 wrote:</em><blockquote>
    I as a long term supporter and member merely ask for some honest answers Hung
    No more scripted statements on what you do we already know that stuff
    Cheers ShannonN</blockquote>
    He gave you an honest answer . . . it’s simply not the answer you wanted to hear.

    ShannonN Friend

    tcraw1010;117381He gave you an honest answer . . . it’s simply not the answer you wanted to hear.

    That’s why I asked for a better explanation to address concerns I have over the direction of this template club. What’s the problem with that?

    TomC Moderator

    <em>@ShannonN 117384 wrote:</em><blockquote>That’s why I asked for a better explanation to address concerns I have over the direction of this template club. What’s the problem with that?</blockquote>
    You were extremely condescending in your “inquiry.” Perhaps if you were a bit more respectful and constructive in your presentation, you might receive a, likewise, constructive and appropriate response.

    wooohanetworks Friend

    What useful thread since post 3, wow, I am amazed!:D People really do go forward and do not repeat themselves over and over again, where everybody is listening…

    ShannonN Friend

    tcraw1010;117387You were extremely condescending in your “inquiry.” Perhaps if you were a bit more respectful and constructive in your presentation, you might receive a, likewise, constructive and appropriate response.

    Me more respectful, coming from a guy that puts up crying baby pics in response to a customer complaint against JA? Hmmn

    I feel it’s time JA members questioned the direction and manpower of Ja templates we have a right to ask if there are enough staff to do Joomlancer, IJoomla, the latest craze, Magento and still deliver 2 templates per mth as contracted till the changeover to 1 as Ja has gazzetted. Should we all become quiet little fanboys that ooh and arr at every offering, get real!

    Ja has problems delivering 2 per month, they recycle so much it’s nice, but not very innovative, they refuse to commit time to providing useable documentation, which with the extensions inc in most templates is an essential part of a template club.

    All well and good for Hung, to give us the standard ‘mission statement blurb’ but we would appreciate him discussing the goings on with us.

    He says in his reply they can’t spend enough time at present to do anything much in the way of integrated stuff, doesn’t that say to all they have no manpower? Maybe, some here feel that it’s the community here that has helped JA become big, Let’s talk about support? No prolly better not too, JA are noticibly absent when support, documentation and source files are needed. crikey they can’t even get source files to us at the same time as templates?

    No other big club does that, if so please name them? Does RT, Joomlashack etc deliver templates without documentation or downloadable docs? Do they deliver source files up to a week after the templates, do they only supply graphics as PSD’s?

    Cmon Tom, you’re great at speaking up, now’s your chance

    Answer those questions for me , please then tell me there is nothing wrong at JA manpower wise? and if I choose to give em a small serve so what! Time the rest of us did also and the tide of customer power will turn the direction where it’s needed
    Once upon atime JA didn’t do a quickstart, I an many other asked, cajoled whined moaned ranted now you have quickstarts, If you don’t get off the butt and put pressure on, ya get nothing and walked over

    Shannon Out

    TomC Moderator

    <em>@ShannonN 117429 wrote:</em><blockquote>Me more respectful, coming from a guy that puts up crying baby pics in response to a customer complaint against JA? Hmmn [/quote]
    In response to a pointless whiney rant – you betcha. If the shoe fits . . . .

    <em>@ShannonN 117429 wrote:</em><blockquote>I feel it’s time JA members questioned the direction and manpower of Ja templates we have a right to ask if there are enough staff to do Joomlancer, IJoomla, the latest craze, Magento and still deliver 2 templates per mth as contracted till the changeover to 1 as Ja has gazzetted. Should we all become quiet little fanboys that ooh and arr at every offering, get real![/quote]
    No, but you should also not consistently deliver your criticisms in the kind of disrespectful and condescending way that you have been doing. “Gazetting?” . . . “Fanboys?” Yah, real constructive delivery there.

    <em>@ShannonN 117429 wrote:</em><blockquote>Ja has problems delivering 2 per month, they recycle so much it’s nice, but not very innovative, they refuse to commit time to providing useable documentation, which with the extensions inc in most templates is an essential part of a template club.[/quote]

    I hope that one day you will come to the realization that your opinion and/or preference is not the only opinion and/or preference out there. What is disappointing or “recycled” to you may be pleasing and appreciated by others.

    Do you still need your mother to hold your hand when you cross the street? I would venture a guess that the answer is “no.” Then why is it that it seems you need your hand held through each and every task that you need to do with regard to working with a JA template? Here’s a novel idea … instead of constantly complaining, ranting and raving about things, how about channeling that energy into composing constructive questions as to whatever issue you’re having in the respective forum section?

    <em>@ShannonN 117429 wrote:</em><blockquote>No other big club does that, if so please name them? Does RT, Joomlashack etc deliver templates without documentation or downloadable docs? Do they deliver source files up to a week after the templates, do they only supply graphics as PSD’s?

    Cmon Tom, you’re great at speaking up, now’s your chance[/quote]
    I regularly check out other Joomla Template Clubs and, YES, I have seen instances from time to time where any one (or more) template club is either several days “late” after the first of the month with their template release, or there are various bugs/issues that need to be resolved, or there is certain documentation that someone would like to have that is not initially included, etc. You know what, though . . . . usually, someone will post a question and/or inquiry (respectfully and constructively) and it will be addressed within a reasonable time frame.

    Quite frankly, I don’t care what R.T., Joomlashack or whomever else does – I don’t patronize those clubs for a reason – because I don’t find their product to be of the consistent caliber that I find JA’s to be. Further, constantly bringing up other template clubs as some sort of standard of measurement doesn’t amount to a hill of beans as far as I am concerned It’s like some child saying “why can’t I have a new shiney red bicycle . . . Jimmy down the street has one, why can’t I ??”

    <em>@ShannonN 117429 wrote:</em><blockquote>
    If you don’t get off the butt and put pressure on, ya get nothing and walked over
    There is a BIG difference to “putting pressure on” in a respectful and constructive manner and whining/ranting like a spoiled child. The former will generally result on a likewise respectful and constructive response, while the latter will generally result in a response deserved and befitting the “spoiled child” behavior.

    ShannonN Friend

    In response to a pointless whiney rant – you betcha. If the shoe fits

    So you show no respect and are condescending also, with your real constructive delivery, with pictures even and think its ok to do so cause if the shoe fits?

    I hope that one day you will come to the realization that your opinion and/or preference is not the only opinion and/or preference out there.

    I could say much the same about your opinions, after all this is a forum and opinions vary

    Do you still need your mother to hold your hand when you cross the street?

    Leave my mother out of it, asshole, she’s dead and died in my arms of a stroke 25 yrs ago.

    Then why is it that it seems you need your hand held through each and every task that you need to do with regard to working with a JA template? Here’s a novel idea … instead of constantly complaining, ranting and raving about things, how about channeling that energy into composing constructive questions as to whatever issue you’re having in the respective forum section?

    Um I’m confused here, Tom, I have asked for help less than 5 times in 3 years most of my time is spent helping others maybe you don’t read enough of my posts, just choose the odd rant to read?

    Quite frankly, I don’t care what R.T., Joomlashack or whomever else does – I don’t patronize those clubs for a reason – because I don’t find their product to be of the consistent caliber that I find JA’s to be. Further, constantly bringing up other template clubs as some sort of standard of measurement doesn’t amount to a hill of beans as far as I am concerned It’s like some child saying “why can’t I have a new shiney red bicycle . . . Jimmy down the street has one, why can’t I ??”

    Seems your whole point . . you don’t give a shit about much more than yourself and having a whinge at everyone that has anything you don’t like to hear about?

    There is a BIG difference to “putting pressure on” in a respectful and constructive manner and whining/ranting like a spoiled child. The former will generally result on a likewise respectful and constructive response, while the latter will generally result in a response deserved and befitting the “spoiled child” behavior.

    What you determine is respectful and constructive may not be what others determine is etc etc and as you have mentioned to others your opinion is not always the right one the best one or speaks for all the forum or world?

    Enough I grow weary of this banter – I should know better than to talk with you

    TomC Moderator

    <em>@ShannonN 117633 wrote:</em><blockquote>
    Seems your whole point . . you don’t give a shit about much more than yourself and having a whinge at everyone that has anything you don’t like to hear about?[/quote]
    Pot …. Meet Kettle


    ShannonN Friend

    Just to update why you don’t see any responses to posts by tcraw and woowhateverhisnameis by me here or on the forum anymore- they are on my ignore list and as such their posts do not even show.

    Bliss I don’t see what they have been saying about me or their rants against anyone else anymore

    thank JA for ignore lists 😀 my life on the forum is calm and serene, no more Prozac needed *chuckle*

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 15 total)

This topic contains 15 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  ShannonN 15 years, 7 months ago.

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