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  • ksebul Friend

    Hi !
    I new here
    I have installed JA_fagus_quickstart_j15 and populated menu with about 70 links and suddenly left module of template (which is very stylish) had crashed.

    Any help would be helpfull.

    Thank you.

    bennitos Friend

    Why are you putting 70 links in the menu? A menu isnt ment to be used like this.

    A menu should have a limited number of entries divided into sub catogory’s.

    Your top menu cant handle so many entries neither can your left menu and i dont think any menu can.

    Take a look at the demo how they did it there?

    mfcphil Friend

    looks like something went wrong with your installation….all those repeated menus…I would delete and try again

    ksebul Friend

    Hi !
    Thank you for reply
    I am working on shop site http://ksebul.com/tct and client has such number of categories. So, to make shure its not the problem of vm category module i’ve decided to simulate number of links on quick_start installation.
    About <blockquote>and i dont think any menu can.</blockquote> if you try hover button under main menu on http://ksebul.com/tct you can see different menu can handle this and i know menu of mesolite template can handle this list of links too.
    I think its not problem of menu . Its problem of layout of template.

    mfcphil Friend

    I still say there has something gone wrong……look at the number of repeated menu’s

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)

This topic contains 5 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  mfcphil 16 years, 2 months ago.

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