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  • Nancy Kimball Friend

    My website is not working well on IE.
    I use Firefox to work on it and am happy with the way it displays.
    I was worried that some custom HTML was messing this up – so, I started over from scratch with just the Quickstart Bookshop —changed logo, main menu, and slideshow lite – nothing else.
    The Bookshop Demo looks equally good on Firefox and on IE — even on my old computer. (winxp and IE8)
    Now I will show you my bookshop.
    First problem is the toolbar – in IE it creates a line for each item
    Next is the out of control size of the slideshow – I have tried both auto and with actual size px, no difference.
    Last, the main menu is not showing. It acts like it is the small size.
    So, why does the demo look good on both —- and how do I get mine to look good on both?

    1. DemoFirefox
    2. DemoIE
    3. Firefox
    4. IE
    Nancy Kimball Friend

    I thought I found the solution here: http://www.joomlart.com/documentation/joomla-faqs/css-related-issues

    “Internet Explorer (IE) supports a maximum limit of 32 individual stylesheet only so if a page in your site loads more than the limit, it will not work properly.

    How to fix the problem?

    What you have to do is compress your CSS files to reduce number of CSS files to be loaded. If you use JA T3v2 or T3 framework, please turn the optimize CSS option from back-end panel.

    1. For T3 template, open its template manager, in the General tab, disable dev mode then enable CSS Optimize option.”


    I tried this — but I don’t see any difference.

    Nancy Kimball Friend

    Well— I guess it worked after all.
    I will switch back to the website that has all the content tomorrow and see if it still works.

    So, compress CSS files even though you are in Dev. mode — I guess that is the lesson.

    Nancy Kimball Friend

    I switched back to my Bookshop template that has content…………
    Disabled dev mode then enable CSS Optimize option, then back to dev…….

    Still problems with IE —- its a mess

    Any ideas?

    Nazario A Friend

    Hi nzkimball,

    I tried to do as you said.

    <blockquote>Disabled dev mode then enable CSS Optimize option, then back to dev…….</blockquote>

    But, I can not get the problem as you mentioned.


    Nancy Kimball Friend

    Thank you for taking a look. This may be a problem with my work computer.

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This topic contains 6 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Nancy Kimball 10 years, 4 months ago.

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