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  • Martin Möller Friend

    When I open the template menu of ja business I suddenly have a blank page.
    The other template menus work fine (beez, ja_purity etc)
    It worked three days before and I made no changes.

    Can You help please?

    jommla 1.5.22
    jat3 1.2.3.
    ja-busiess 1.0.1.

    jooservices Friend

    <em>@martinmo 272748 wrote:</em><blockquote>When I open the template menu of ja business I suddenly have a blank page.
    The other template menus work fine (beez, ja_purity etc)
    It worked three days before and I made no changes.

    Can You help please?

    jommla 1.5.22
    jat3 1.2.3.
    ja-busiess 1.0.1.</blockquote>

    blank page could be happend by some fatal php error.
    you will easier to see it by turn on display error in joomla global.
    or please update me with your backend than i can help you for checking.
    thank you
    viet vu

    Martin Möller Friend

    Sorry – its not completly blank – see screenshot.
    with error reporting off – its the same.

    1. ja_business_fehler
    jooservices Friend

    please make sure you have installed correct t3 for your joomla version.
    btw i can help you to check it but i need backend access please.
    thank you
    viet vu

    Martin Möller Friend

    can I update the t3 plugin without problems? (delete and reinstall?)
    or what is the rigth way?

    Martin Möller Friend

    I found the reason for this problem: T3 is not working together with rokbox system plugin.
    When you disable it – you can customize the template.

    jooservices Friend

    Great you found it. I think rokbox uses jQuery so it causes the issue. You try moving T3 up in plugin lists so that it would be loaded before rokbox to check if can solve the issue too.
    Viet Vu

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

This topic contains 7 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  jooservices 13 years, 2 months ago.

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