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  • TomC Moderator

    See “their” JD BAZAAR template . . . look familiar?

    Unless this clown is somehow directly affiliated with JoomlART and has express permission to repackage JA product . . .
    is this not blatant copyright/intellectual property infringement? I don’t think a Developer License allows for this – does it?


    theprofessor Friend

    Hmm. You are correct…looks like blatant theft. Would be interesting if JA knows about thisor not.

    mfcphil Friend

    No attempt has been made to alter any of the text in the pages…look at the content

    Just had a quick read through I checked the typography and the pages are word for word identical.

    If this is an attempt to claim a template as your own design while making it look different from the original….well its a pretty poor try!!

    hanifahmed Friend

    <em>@mfcphil 126944 wrote:</em><blockquote>No attempt has been made to alter any of the text in the pages…look at the content

    Just had a quick read through I checked the typography and the pages are word for word identical.

    If this is an attempt to claim a template as your own design while making it look different from the original….well its a pretty poor try!!</blockquote>
    Still says “JA Zeolite in it!”

    This page presents most of typographical aspects of JA Zeolite. Make your readers happy with great Typography and User Experience!

    hanifahmed Friend

    <em>@hanifahmed 126952 wrote:</em><blockquote>Still says “JA Zeolite in it!”</blockquote>
    Their homepage uses JA Olivine as well!
    Is this registered?

    TomC Moderator

    Again, unless there is some official arrangement between JA and this guy, then this clown is an amazing A-HOLE.

    His “company” address is:

    P-205, Maharani Indira Devi Road
    West Bengal
    Mobile Phone Number: +91 9748899661

    His email address is:

    Virtuemart is featuring this guy’s stuff on their Extension Section.
    It looks like he wrote his own review as well – “Best Virtuemart theme ever” – my ass.

    In addition to bringing Hung’s attention to this, I say we inundate this guy’s email, site and any affiliate he may have –
    letting them know what an absolute unscrupulous THIEF this guy is.


    instantinlaw Friend

    Looks like they are also ripping off the vm themes site too. I feel sorry for the poor suckers they get to purchase something from them.

    theprofessor Friend

    I can’t imagine that JA would agree to allow another company rebrand their designs and resell them.

    Anyways, if this is indeed fraudulent, I would suggest that Hung report it to IC3:

    I would imagine the site would be shut down in no time.

    instantinlaw Friend

    Just left this as a review on the VM site: “How did a stolen joomlart template get posted on the VM site under someone else’s name? They didn’t even bother to change the wording on the typography page from JA to jd. You’ll probably get your bank account cleaned out if you purchase something from this shady outfit.”
    Where’s Hung?

    hanifahmed Friend

    Its morning where he is, so he should be around shortly – unless he has a 9 -5 job!

    instantinlaw Friend

    hanifahmed;126960Its morning where he is, so he should be around shortly – unless he has a 9 -5 job!

    With all the money he makes here I doubt he needs to work a 9-5 job. 😉

    hanifahmed Friend

    Certainly would explain the template delays!! lol

    instantinlaw Friend

    hanifahmed;126963Certainly would explain the template delays!! lol

    That it might :laugh:

    instantinlaw Friend

    Here’s the responce I got in regards to the review I left on the VM site:

    Hello Bill,

    We received your review of Joomladump template, we can not publish the review as it is not related to the extension you are reviewing, but related to bazzar template which is not published in VMED.

    However we thank you for bringing this to our attention we have emailed Joomladump

    I suggest you contact Joomlart and inform them of this.

    VirtueMart Extensions.

    My reply
    [FONT=Arial]Hello peter,[/FONT]
    [FONT=Arial]I am a member of Joomlart and it has been posted in the forum there.[/FONT]
    [FONT=Arial]I suggest you remove that listing which is on your website before you inadvertently get caught up in a copyright infringement lawsuit. I’m sure Hung Dinh will be contacting you about it.[/FONT]
    [FONT=Arial]I’m also posting your reply to my review on the Joomlart forum.[/FONT]
    I suggest you contact VM Hung.

    instantinlaw Friend

    Personally I’m bullshit about this. I paid for my templates and abide by the rules here. people like the dump make me sick >:(

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