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  • stl314 Friend

    How can i make my blog layout (top navigation) layout just like the magazine layout?

    pavit Moderator


    Could you explain in details what exactly you need in blog layout ?

    A screenshoot could help

    stl314 Friend

    I am just now setting up my site, the top navigation links to a blog category, however I do not like that layout. I want the layout to be the Magazine layout that came with the quickstart.


    If you click blog in the top navigation or the main navigation it doesn’t display any content. But there are articles in that category. I would like them to display like the rest of the items on my main navigation

    1. FAN
    pavit Moderator

    Then you have to change layout to the template style assigned to the blog menu item ( Ja Teline-Blog ) from Blog layout to magazine-home layout.

    Remember that Magazine template style is using the Magazine-home Layout so you will need to create a new position news-blog and publish your modules in such position and assign them to your Blog menu item.

    Hope it helps.

    stl314 Friend

    How do I create a new position?

    pavit Moderator

    How do I create a new position?

    You only need to add position name into the specific field as showed by img below

    1. Screenshot-at-feb-14-19-35-04
    stl314 Friend

    That didn’t work at all

    pavit Moderator

    That didn’t work at all

    What doesn’t works ?

    stl314 Friend

    I need to create a new position, not use an existing one correct? if i use "news-home" that just adds to my home page

    pavit Moderator

    You should add a new name not news-home,Image above was an example

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This topic contains 9 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  pavit 7 years, 11 months ago.

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