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  • rcd Friend


    I want to change the dafault color from green to blue, but when I change to ‘laputa’ in index.php it do not work.
    What can be wrong?

    Hope someone can help me.

    Menalto Friend

    Give me a PM with super admin access, ftp info and let me take a look at it?

    b16enk Friend

    Also be aware, if using the ‘jw_minted_one-point-five_v2.0’ template any attempt to modify the index.php, from with in the ‘Manage Templates’ section in the backend, will render the front end un viewable.

    Restoring the index.php from the download fixes it.

    This is with Joomla btw, may be the same with

    ikki_83 Friend

    i’ve got the same problem… i’ve joomla 1.0.12 and i haven’t insalled jw minted.

    ikki_83 Friend

    how can i do it? joomlart tecnical assistance is bad in these months…

    b16enk Friend

    <em>@ikki_83 27378 wrote:</em><blockquote>how can i do it? joomlart tecnical assistance is bad in these months…</blockquote>

    If you have this issue, and want to change menu style, or default colour then:

    Open the original index.php in notepad (you will have to extract it from the zip file first), make the changes there.
    Click ‘save’.

    Then upload it to your server using ftp, or CPANEL file manager if your host does that, and replace the index.php in /templates/ja_koniga.

    ikki_83 Friend

    i’ve changed the default color iwith notepad but nothing has happenad.. i’ve paied for these templates… how can do it?

    b16enk Friend

    Have you flushed the cache in Joomla and done a ctrl+f5 in your browser to clear the old css?

    ikki_83 Friend

    yeah… help me it’s very urgent

    b16enk Friend

    Also, you may need to (I did) go into tools->internet options ‘Delete…’ (on general page under browsing history).
    Then delete cookies and temporary internet files (I did the files because it was long overdue).

    b16enk Friend

    Problem will be that visitors colour will not change thugh, because they have a cookie set already.

    Fix would be to change the cookie that is set by the theme, thus forcing a colour change.

    ColorCSS is the part that looks up/sets user colour.
    I’m not sure about this, but if all instances of ‘ColorCSS’ were renamed to, say ‘ColorCSSnew’, then this would effectively reset all users view.
    Perhaps some one can confirm this?

    From ja_templatetools.php (in koniga template root), line 13,14 and 15:

    if (isset($_COOKIE['JATheme']) && $_COOKIE['JATheme'] == $ja_template_name){
    if (isset($_COOKIE['ColorCSS']) && $_COOKIE['ColorCSS']){
    $ja_color = $_COOKIE['ColorCSS'];

    rcsbobby Friend

    what do you change in the index.php file to set the default color?

    <em>@b16enk 27404 wrote:</em><blockquote>If you have this issue, and want to change menu style, or default colour then:

    Open the original index.php in notepad (you will have to extract it from the zip file first), make the changes there.
    Click ‘save’.

    Then upload it to your server using ftp, or CPANEL file manager if your host does that, and replace the index.php in /templates/ja_koniga.</blockquote>

    b16enk Friend

    <em>@rcsbobby 27447 wrote:</em><blockquote>what do you change in the index.php file to set the default color?</blockquote>

    About line 29:

    # default color
    $ja_color_default = 'default'; //blank for default, else pick one of in extra color themes $ja_color_themes

    Valid options are:


    HTH 🙂

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