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  • anaivelisse Friend

    How can I make headlines bold in JA Teline II?

    Sherlock Friend

    Hi anaivelisse !
    You can change css for headline by the way :
    Open ja.news.fp.css file in ja_teline_ii/css folder at about line 71:

    div.ja-newscat span {

    red text is code for bold headline text.

    anaivelisse Friend

    Hi hainn84:

    I checked the CSS and it IS as you recommended. Where else can I find what is causing the problem (headlines not being bold)?

    The url is http://revista.libroalibro.org


    Sherlock Friend

    Hi anaivelisse !
    I have looked into your site .In JA News FP module You used default_fp layout not headline_fp layout , so i couldn’t find headline , Where are the headline ? if posible , please send short screen.

    anaivelisse Friend


    I am using the default_fo, because the headline_fo is not working properly. I can’t see the news in the module (either using IE7 or FF).

    Attached you will find a screen shot of the page and I checked the news headlines I’d like to see bold.

    In the CSS I changed the font family, and haven’t touched anything else.

    Thanks for your willingness to help others.

    1. lal_screenshot
    Sherlock Friend

    anaivelisse , i have see this problem, you try to do following way :
    Open ja.news.css file in templates/ja_teline_ii/css folder , add following code section to this file :

    .jazin-title a {

    good luck !

    anaivelisse Friend

    It worked. Thanks a lot / Gracias.

    Sherlock Friend

    Happy when hear it , thanks anaivelisse. Hainn.

    cgc0202 Friend

    <em>@hainn84 59008 wrote:</em><blockquote>anaivelisse , i have see this problem, you try to do following way :
    Open ja.news.css file in templates/ja_teline_ii/css folder , add following code section to this file :

    .jazin-title a {

    good luck !</blockquote>

    Hi hainn84,

    A very curious question. Is this a case then where the webdesigner just forgot to add this in the appropriate CSS or the CSSs is located somewhere else? That seemed to be the case for the ja_catslwi.css where it was located in the modules section, not in the templates css directory.

    How come the Headlines of articles in Joomla 1.0x are bold, and I checked but this .jazin-title a is not there either. What defines the “BOLDNESS” of the Headlines of articles in Joomla 1.0x. Was the CSS specification for this, specified somewhere else in Joomla 1.0x ?


    Sherlock Friend

    Hi cgc0202 !
    With joomla 1.0 You still can bold to headline by obove way :
    Open ja.news.css file in templates/ja_teline_ii/css folder , add following code section to this file :

    .jazin-title a {

    About css file location , You can put css file in module folder or template folder . no problem . One site can have one or more css file.

    cgc0202 Friend

    <em>@hainn84 59356 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi cgc0202 !
    With joomla 1.0 You still can bold to headline by obove way :
    Open ja.news.css file in templates/ja_teline_ii/css folder , add following code section to this file :

    .jazin-title a {

    About css file location , You can put css file in module folder or template folder . no problem . One site can have one or more css file.</blockquote>

    You don’t have to hainn84 — if you bothered to look at the Demo for Joomla 1.0x, all the headlines (JA News and Frontpage) are already bold in the Demo, so why complicate matters by adding another CSS specification? I cannot ascertain myself what defines the css specification but I generally do not touch the CSS unless it is needed.

    The point in my previous comment is that if the user adds a css specification, this means the webdesigner who made the CSS forgot to do something correctly. — meaning the webdesigner was being sloppy.

    The scripts may be different for Joomla 1.0x and Joomla 1.5x, but there is no reason why the stylesheets and the route path of these stylesheets for Joomla 1.0x and Joomla 1.5x should be different.

    It is as if two different webdesigner teams created the Teline II template for Joomla 1.0x and Joomla 1.5x and did not coordinate with each other.

    And why is that? If indeed the latter was the problem, why was there lack of coordination? A great part of it is that more than likely, the staff are pressed for time — in their effort to put up two templates per month. That is one of the key reasons for the problems of Joomlart. In the end, it leads to a lot of frustrations among users.

    I am not the first one who stated this. People (like VisiGod, Menalto) with more experience in scripting have hinted so.

    It is not your fault, you are just trying to help people. As quite a number of posters have found there are so many signs of lack of systematic preparation of the two versions.


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