<blockquote>i cant seem to get the 4 bottom modules on the home page to appear on the other pages</blockquote>
Default layout of JA Brisk does not call spotlight in positions: position-20, position-21, position-22, position-23 as in layout JA Brisk Home (see this screenshot http://easycaptures.com/fs/uploaded/680/2199496335.png )
<blockquote>i have changed the logo but it doesnt seem to have worked, on the home page its the older version brisk</blockquote>
Please navigate to backend => Template Manager => Open JA Brisk Home => Click Tab Theme => choose image you want and Save
<blockquote>my logo by size is not big enough</blockquote>
Please create a new css file named: custom.css in the templatesja_briskcss path and add the following rule:
[PHP].logo-image a {
width: 150px;
height: 64px;