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  • edd Friend

    Hi there,
    I would like to change breadcrumb position. actually it is placed at bottom of template, so I would like to know if it is possible to move up.
    Take a look:


    1. 22443355
    TomC Moderator

    Have you tried moving the breadcrum position within the Layout section of your Template Manager?

    Which version of JA Bistro are you using?

    edd Friend

    I’m using Joomla 2.5

    Please could you explain me how to do that?

    Thank you very much 🙂

    TomC Moderator

    Go to Template Manager—Layout Tab—Click “Edit” for the “Default” Layout

    You should see something similar to this . . .

    <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”utf-8″?>
    <layout name=”desktop”>
    <!–Extra css load for this layout–>
    <blocks name=”top” style=”xhtml”>
    <block name=”top-panel” type=”modules” style=”raw” main-inner=”1″>top-panel</block>
    <block name=”header” type=”header” main-inner=”1″></block>
    <block name=”mainnav” type=”mainnav” main-inner=”1″></block>
    <block name=”cpanel” type=”usertools/cpanel” no-main=”1″ no-wrap=”1″></block>
    <block name=”topsl” type=”spotlight” main-inner=”1″>user1,user2,user3,user4</block>
    <block name=”topsl1″ type=”spotlight” main-inner=”1″>user5,user6,user7,user8</block>
    <block name=”topsl2″ type=”spotlight” main-inner=”1″ specialwidth=”28″>user9,user10</block>
    <blocks name=”middle” colwidth=”28″ main-inner=”1″ fixheight=”1″>
    <block name=”content-mass-top”>content-mass-top</block>
    <block name=”content-top”>content-top</block>
    <block name=”inset1″ width=”25″>left</block>
    <block name=”right1″>right</block>
    <blocks name=”bottom” style=”xhtml”>
    <block name=”botsl” type=”spotlight” main-inner=”1″ specialwidth=”28″>user11,user12,user13,user14</block>
    <block name=”botsl1″ type=”spotlight” main-inner=”1″>user15,user16,user17,user18</block>
    <block name=”navhelper” type=”navhelper” main-inner=”1″></block>
    <block name=”footer” type=”footer” main-inner=”1″></block>

    The breadcrumb function is called “navhelper” within the layout.

    Move <block name=”navhelper” type=”navhelper” main-inner=”1″></block> up higher within your layout structure, for example . . . . .

    <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”utf-8″?>
    <layout name=”desktop”>
    <!–Extra css load for this layout–>
    <blocks name=”top” style=”xhtml”>
    <block name=”top-panel” type=”modules” style=”raw” main-inner=”1″>top-panel</block>
    <block name=”header” type=”header” main-inner=”1″></block>
    <block name=”mainnav” type=”mainnav” main-inner=”1″></block>
    <block name=”cpanel” type=”usertools/cpanel” no-main=”1″ no-wrap=”1″></block>
    <block name=”navhelper” type=”navhelper” main-inner=”1″></block>
    <block name=”topsl” type=”spotlight” main-inner=”1″>user1,user2,user3,user4</block>
    <block name=”topsl1″ type=”spotlight” main-inner=”1″>user5,user6,user7,user8</block>
    <block name=”topsl2″ type=”spotlight” main-inner=”1″ specialwidth=”28″>user9,user10</block>
    <blocks name=”middle” colwidth=”28″ main-inner=”1″ fixheight=”1″>
    <block name=”content-mass-top”>content-mass-top</block>
    <block name=”content-top”>content-top</block>
    <block name=”inset1″ width=”25″>left</block>
    <block name=”right1″>right</block>
    <blocks name=”bottom” style=”xhtml”>
    <block name=”botsl” type=”spotlight” main-inner=”1″ specialwidth=”28″>user11,user12,user13,user14</block>
    <block name=”botsl1″ type=”spotlight” main-inner=”1″>user15,user16,user17,user18</block>
    <block name=”footer” type=”footer” main-inner=”1″></block>

    Save Changes — Clear Cache — Refresh

    Does that give you something a little more along the lines of what you were looking for?

    edd Friend

    Hi again,

    Thanks a lot, it is working fine, but I have a problem: it is showing in the Homa page, and I dont want to show it on the home page…

    I was on the “breadcrumb” module and I dissable it from the home page but it is there… is there any other way to dissable it from the home page?

    Thanks a lot

    TomC Moderator

    Try clearing both your browser and JAT3 cache (within your site admin – at the top right) – and then refresh . . . see if that works.

    Understand that It’s only a name for the menu item in the Main Menu and not from ‘Breadcrumbs’ module. The Main Menu must have at least one item for it to work. If you don’t want to have that name, just change its name and contents accordingly. You will see the new name in the front page.

    edd Friend

    Nope, is not working…

    TomC Moderator

    In the alternative, I found the following reference/resource that may help you as well . . .


    edd Friend

    It seems a little complicated… :((

    If dont, how can I change the breadcrumb style? I mean, actually it is black and I want to put it white and change font colors, etc…

    Thanks a lot

    TomC Moderator

    <em>@edd 396178 wrote:</em><blockquote>It seems a little complicated… :((

    If dont, how can I change the breadcrumb style? I mean, actually it is black and I want to put it white and change font colors, etc…

    Thanks a lot</blockquote>

    That’s a bit easier . . . so I can try to best assist you, please provide the url of the site you’re working on,
    as well as set “Optimize CSS’ to “No” within your Template Manager–General settings

    edd Friend

    Could you tell me wich CSS page style do I need to change the breadcrumb?

    TomC Moderator

    <em>@edd 396180 wrote:</em><blockquote>Could you tell me wich CSS page style do I need to change the breadcrumb?</blockquote>

    I can, but it would be very helpful if you could provide the url of the site you’re working on,
    as well as set “Optimize CSS’ to “No” within your Template Manager–General settings

    edd Friend

    I Found on:
    templates > Ja_bistro > css > template.css

    on line 627 there are all about breadcrumbs, called “#ja-navhelper”.

    Thanks for your help 🙂


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This topic contains 13 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  edd 11 years, 3 months ago.

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