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  • theandygram Friend

    I am having three issues that I can’t seem to get a handle on:

    Issue 1

    I am having a problem with one of my categories showing an additional category and sub-category name in the breadcrumbs. On this page:


    On this page in the breadcrumbs you will notice it includes: “Theatre Reviews | 2011-12 Reviews” in the breadcrumbs. This article should be showing: “Press Releases | 2011-12 Theatre Season Press Releases”. Any ideas why this might be happening?

    Issue 2

    I can’t figure out how you can change from a L-R-Main or a Main-L-R to a L-Main-R where you have a column on either side of the main. There is nothing when you edit the layout that says “

    Issue 3

    When you look at the home page at http://theandygram.com/jupgrade you will see the word “Home” on the main section of the window. I can’t figure out where this is coming from. When I look at it with Firebug I see that it is a component heading. I can’t figure out where to remove this?

    Many thanks in advance for any help.

    Sherlock Friend

    Hi theandygram,

    issue1) i guess it is a problem with the jat3 system plugin, Is the plugin for joomla 2.5 ? you can try to upgrade it to the latest version

    Issue 2) In your template back-end >> Profile setting, you are assigning the desktop layout to left-right-main, switch to the Layouts tab, go to edit this layout you would see those defined block tags
    <block name=”left1″>left</block>
    <block name=”left2″>right</block></blockquote>
    you can change it to
    <block name=”left1″>left</block>
    <block name=”right1″>right</block></blockquote>

    Issue 3) you just go to the setting of the home menu item, there under the Page Display Options panel you select the field of Show Page Heading to No.

    theandygram Friend

    Thank you so much for your response. #s 2 and 3 are solved.

    I downloaded the latest version (2.5.2) of the jat3 system plugin and installed and am still experiencing that problem. The funny thing is, it is specific to that category, it’s not doing it in other categories. Any other suggestions?


    Sherlock Friend

    <em>@theandygram 325679 wrote:</em><blockquote>Thank you so much for your response. #s 2 and 3 are solved.

    I downloaded the latest version (2.5.2) of the jat3 system plugin and installed and am still experiencing that problem. The funny thing is, it is specific to that category, it’s not doing it in other categories. Any other suggestions?


    The problem seem to related to the sh404sef settings, if i tried to disable the sh404sef – System plugin it has gone away, you can go to the component back-end of sh404SEF To check again 🙂

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