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  • talkingtolearn Friend

    When i click on a category in the breadcrumbs to see the contents, It’s a little bit ugly.

    If i’m not lost, do you manage this module ?

    And the only way to go to the category content list is to click in the breadcrumb in the category.
    If i click in the module ja news pro in the category, it will just refresh.

    Do i have to do a fake sub-menu to have access to the category content list when i click in the title category in ja news pro ?

    If i had to do each menu for category but i don’t want to see a slide menu for them, how can i do ?
    The reason is that we have like 40 category in each section…

    Look at my web site. In section H-R/Actualité i did a test with a sub-menu.
    And when i do that, it goes with just the category and after with just a content. Maybe it’s good for me but i would like that have a way to show also all content of a category like joomla did when i don’t have category menu.


    1. 9
    chavan Friend

    can explain us the problem in a simple way?

    I hope you need to show a article when you click on the category am i correct?

    talkingtolearn Friend

    <em>@Chavan 237531 wrote:</em><blockquote>can explain us the problem in a simple way?

    I hope you need to show a article when you click on the category am i correct?</blockquote>

    I will try.

    Example :

    Section Haut-Richelieu
    I’m looking on the frist module janewspro whos for all the section with many categories.
    Some categories have their own sub-menu and a module janewspro lowest in the section. But not at all. I can’t add 40 sub-menus for a section, it will be ugly.

    If a visitor click on a category choice in the big first module and that category doesn’t have sub-menu when he will click on the content link. It will show the content and the breadcrumb. If the visitor click on the breadcrumb category, it will show a content list of this category who doesn’t seem to be managed by you but not the big problem for now.

    1- Not sure i want to see category for sub-menu in section
    2- If i don’t have sub-menu actived, im linked to see all module ja news pro like i’m in the section.

    talkingtolearn Friend

    IF i’m obliged to create content category blog, i would like not to show all category, just them who’s in the section page.
    But also, when i have module for a category, i see 4-5 links as follow the config, but if i want to see all of them like when i don’t have sub-menu, maybe an option should be great.

    I will re-reply for this. im sure i’m not clear.

    talkingtolearn Friend

    The big thing i want is when i don’t have a sub menu linked to an category, how can i disable the modules of the section who is linked to another category ?

    Example : http://www.courrierhr.com/jateline4/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1862:vous-avez-verse-votre-derniere-cotisation-au-reer-le-moment-est-venu-de-passer-a-letape-suivante-&catid=463:chronique-les-coups-de-pied&Itemid=579

    I don’t want to see Actualité, Environnement, Éducation, Économie, Éditorial when i’m reading a content in the section because Chronique – Finances doesn’t have sub-menu.

    1. 222
    talkingtolearn Friend

    <em>@talkingtolearn 237566 wrote:</em><blockquote>The big thing i want is when i don’t have a sub menu linked to an category, how can i disable the modules of the section who is linked to another category ?

    Example : http://www.courrierhr.com/jateline4/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1862:vous-avez-verse-votre-derniere-cotisation-au-reer-le-moment-est-venu-de-passer-a-letape-suivante-&catid=463:chronique-les-coups-de-pied&Itemid=579

    I don’t want to see Actualité, Environnement, Éducation, Économie, Éditorial when i’m reading a content in the section because Chronique – Finances doesn’t have sub-menu.</blockquote>

    Do you have any trick to do that ?

    talkingtolearn Friend

    If possible, when i’m not in a menu category who exist, i would like to have not to show janews and view the category list content with the content.


    just the janews with the section and not with static category like ACTUALITÉ, ENVIRONNEMENT, etc.

    1. 12
    2. 11
    talkingtolearn Friend

    I upgraded Économie and Éditorial. To see the problem, just to look in the janewspro main and pick a content in a category who’s not set like category menu.

    1. 13
    talkingtolearn Friend

    hello ? Someone ?

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