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  • mandig Friend


    I have an issue with Bottom/breadcrumbs position. I’d like to use that position with a menu module but if I try to set that module into the breadcrumbs position it doesn’t appear at all while if I use the bottombat position it overlap the “Share on” module.

    I attached an image to explain better the problem.

    It would be great to have that menu module at the left where there normally is the menu navhelper.

    Could someone please help me understand how to do it ?

    Thanks and regards.

    1. bottombar
    khoand Friend

    You add this code into /templates/ja_business/css/template.css

    #ja-navhelper #ja-bottombar a{display: inline;
    float: none;}

    mandig Friend

    Hi kholand and thanks for your reply. Now everything seems to be find except the social networks icons that disappeared.

    Do you have any idea about how to solve it.

    Thanks and regards.

    khoand Friend

    – You ADD (no change) this code into /templates/ja_business/css/template.css

    #ja-navhelper #ja-bottombar a{
    display: inline;
    float: none;}

    – You KEEP this code /templates/ja_business/css/template.css

    #ja-navhelper #ja-bottombar a {
    border: none;
    display: block;
    float: left;

    height: 24px;
    margin-left: 2px;
    text-decoration: none;
    width: 24px;

    mandig Friend

    Kholand, first of all let me thank you for the assistance.

    I tried to ADD the code you gave but the result is:

    – if I add it BEFORE the original code

    #ja-navhelper #ja-bottombar a {
    border: none;
    display: block;
    float: left;
    height: 24px;
    margin-left: 2px;
    text-decoration: none;
    width: 24px;

    nothing changes

    -if I add it AFTER the above original code I can see everything misplaced and split into 2 lines with cutted icons.

    Just to understand: is there a way to use breadcrumbs as footer ? I would like to add menu items at the left of the page in the same line of “sharing icons” where originally was the site index.

    If there is no way I will be forced to use the footbar position but, having few things to add, I would prefer not add another line down.

    Thanks and regards.

    mandig Friend

    By the way I forgot to say that in the second case (adding your code after the original one) only Firefox and IE change the site appearence while Chrome doesn’t consider it at all

    khoand Friend

    You find this code from /templates/ja_business/css/template.css in the line #734,#736

    #ja-navhelper #ja-bottombar a.facebook {
    background: url(../images/icon-facebook.png) no-repeat center center;
    display: block; < add this line
    float: left;< add this line

    #ja-navhelper #ja-bottombar a.twitter {
    background: url(../images/icon-twitter.png) no-repeat center center;
    display: block; < add this line
    float: left;< add this line

    mandig Friend

    Once again let me thank you for the help but, as you will see from the attached file I now can see the icons but still haven’t fixed the problem.

    1. breadcrumbs
    khoand Friend

    I can’t access your site. Could you check it again?

    mandig Friend

    <em>@khoand 254747 wrote:</em><blockquote>I can’t access your site. Could you check it again?</blockquote>

    Yes, sorry but in the meanwhile I changed my server and forget to update the details into your site.

    By the way I would have another question: as you will see there are the navhelper and footer position too high in some pages (where I don’t have so many content to make it go down) but it doesn’t look so well so is there a way to put them down ? I tried to use the min-height css command but it didn’t fit to my needs.

    Thanks in advance for the assistance.



    mandig Friend

    Anyone can help me to solve the navhelper and footer matter ?


    mandig Friend

    Please I really need assistance to fix the above problems. Chrome is the worst one with the template but I have some problems with other browsers too. :((


    Phill Moderator

    Hmm, not sure why we are trying this purely with css. If I am understanding you correctly you do not want the breadcrumbs in that block of the template but would rather have an inline menu there? If that is the case then maybe we should open templates>ja_business>blocks>navhelper.php and find the following code. (starting from scratch undoing all you have done before first)

    <?php if($this->countModules('breadcrumb')) : ?>
    <jdoc:include type="modules" name="breadcrumb" />
    <?php endif; ?>

    We could change this to a normal module type by changing the words “breadcrumb” to something like “bottom_menu”

    We would then publish your menu in the new position “bottom_menu” and make sure we have the menu class suffix in the advanced options in the menu manager set to ” bottom” making sure you put a leading space before the word bottom.

    Finally in templates>ja_busines>css>template.css add the following css to the bottom of the file

    .bottom li {
    float: left;
    padding: 4px 10px 0 0;


    mandig Friend


    thanks for your help. We’re approaching to what I’d like to do but there still is a problem.
    I attached a screenshot where you can see that the “follow us” in bottombar is now misplaced.

    Furthermore (you can’t unfortunately see it from the screenshot because I’ve taken it from my 27″ iMac) but I have a problem with navhelper and footer in Chrome: if I browse the site from my computer at work I can see the navhelper and footer in Chrome in the middle of the page (as they are in this screenshot) while if I do the same with Firefox I can correctly see them at the bottom of the screen.

    Is there a workaround for this too ?

    Thanks again and best regards.


    1. joomlart
    Phill Moderator

    I will really need a link to the site to diagnose that.

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 28 total)

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