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  • kayz Friend

    Hi i have worked very hard over the past few weeks trying to configure my template.

    However i just noticed that viewing the website on other peoples browsers the website does not come out so well. For some on Google chrome and for others on Internet Explorer.

    I would really appreciate an urgent fix for this if possible.

    Phill Moderator

    A link to your site would help to diagnose your problems

    kayz Friend

    Hi Phill

    On one terminal IE8 displays the website fine, the menu is nicely aligned as it should be. However when i access the website from another computer the menu stretches out and goes onto the second line. Both browsers are IE8?

    Its really strange my google chrome displays the websites fine however when trying on another chrome only some of the styles will come up. I then thought maybe JS is being blocked on chrome, i went into settings and didnt change anything just pressed ok and then suddenly the website appears to be fine. This has happened on two terminals for chrome where ive had to go into the settings and then come out without making any changes.

    But the main problem now is the menu, it is on two lines for one IE8 browser and for the other its on one line, both IE8’s have exactly the same versions.

    Please use to view my website in IE7 mode. I think some IE8 browsers are viewing it as IE7. If i can fix IE7 then i think IE8 will fix.

    I am the ‘readmore’ button guy with the imageupload website. Please try the same link and place it into for IE7.

    Many thanks

    John Wesley Brett Moderator

    One more time before you are marked as SPAM.
    [FONT=”Arial Black”]What is the URL we should be looking for?[/FONT]

    Otherwise you will may be banned as we believe your message and the link in it to be SPAM…which is BARRED from Joomlart Forums.

    kayz Friend

    <em>@jbrett 217195 wrote:</em><blockquote>One more time before you are marked as SPAM.
    [FONT=”Arial Black”]What is the URL we should be looking for?[/FONT]

    Otherwise you will may be banned as we believe your message and the link in it to be SPAM…which is BARRED from Joomlart Forums.</blockquote>

    Jesus Christ man!

    I have been a Joomla member since 2009 with 336 posts and have renewed my license twice already. I am grateful to Phill for helping me with the various problems i have been having. Phill has already assisted me in resolving an issue recently. I have already provided Phill with THE LINK via pm to my website and have also granted him admin and FTP access.

    If i feel that there are more people who can help me then by all means i will provide them with the link and most probably post it.

    As you quite rightly have pointed out posting any random link will be deemed as spam and i totally understand that. If you had bothered to read my initial thread properly then you will notice the links i have posted are related to the issue i am having. The links provide the user to view their websites on different browser versions.

    I really dont appreciate your bullying tactics towards me, especially coming from a MODERATOR. You could have asked me nicely that posting a link can be deemed as spam. I dont appreciate threats being made unnecessarily with CAPS on. If i was to have spammed more than once then by all means issue me a warning, or edit my post and remove the link – thats what moderators are for… but this? C’mon. There are many people on this forum who are supporting each other and not everybody is posting a link to their website. – Is that an OFFENCE? People are instead attaching screenshots and getting feedback from one another to try for themselves… and what if i had posted a link to my website.. whos to say that is not spam either? – what constitutes a spammer?

    I hope i have made myself clear and i can confirm to you that this thread is NOT SPAM.

    John Wesley Brett Moderator

    I apologize for any offense you may have taken in my previous post.
    My only reason for posting as I did was that you were asked for a URL and none was provided in the forum post.

    The only link posted sets off a “virus warning” alert when visited.
    The fact that this COULD be a mistake was the reason I asked again, rather than knock off the post immediately.

    There was no bullying intent.
    There was a question asked, an answer not given, nor any indication that the answer was being sent elsewhere. I was trying to be kind in asking the question again rather than popping the thread out due to a virus warning.

    Sorry you felt bullied, we appreciate your membership and contribution, and hope this clears the air a bit.
    Since you are working with Phill on this issue, I am editing your previous message to remove the link to keep it from setting off any other alarms for others.

    Have a GREAT week.

    kayz Friend

    <em>@jbrett 217206 wrote:</em><blockquote>I apologize for any offense you may have taken in my previous post.
    My only reason for posting as I did was that you were asked for a URL and none was provided in the forum post.

    The only link posted sets off a “virus warning” alert when visited.
    The fact that this COULD be a mistake was the reason I asked again, rather than knock off the post immediately.

    There was no bullying intent.
    There was a question asked, an answer not given, nor any indication that the answer was being sent elsewhere. I was trying to be kind in asking the question again rather than popping the thread out due to a virus warning.

    Sorry you felt bullied, we appreciate your membership and contribution, and hope this clears the air a bit.
    Since you are working with Phill on this issue, I am editing your previous message to remove the link to keep it from setting off any other alarms for others.

    Have a GREAT week.

    Thank you for your response.

    Your earlier repsonse seemed to be provocative with all the fancy bold and capitalised letters, hence my reaction. I also did mention “I am the ‘readmore’ button guy with the imageupload website. Please try the same link and place it into for IE7.” which i thought may have been an indication that Phill has helped just recently.

    Apologies for any virus warnings that may have been flagged up by your browser, that was not my intention nor did anything appear on my end. On a side note i use windows security essentials and Kaspersky. A lot of other antivirus programs sometimes flag good websites as potential threats – this could be a local issue at your end?

    Anyways i apologise for my burst also and I understand where you were coming from.

    Thank you. 🙂

    cgc0202 Friend

    <em>@kayz 217162 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi i have worked very hard over the past few weeks trying to configure my template.

    However i just noticed that viewing the website on other peoples browsers the website does not come out so well. For some on Google chrome and for others on Internet Explorer.

    I would really appreciate an urgent fix for this if possible.</blockquote>

    Hi kayz,

    This is an issue confronted by all webscript/template developers and website creators. Joomla or Joomlat cannot offer you a quick solution or a solution that would work all the time.

    The reason for this is partly due to the browser wars that started when Microsoft decided to destroy Netscape. Apart from giving away the Internet Browser for free, Microsoft also decided not to follow accepted html scripting at the time. In fact, they even recruited individuals and instutions to create sites that would work optimally only on IE. You may be able view it in Netscapte sometime in the mid 1990’s (yes it was only then that Netscape came out) but it is not very pretty or some other stuff.

    The combination of free IE and messed up viewing in Netscape destroyed the latter.

    Today, there are more browsers, and if you examine closely what you view in Camino, Chrome, Firefox, IE, Safari, etc., you would find very subtle differences,

    If you look at the scripts of your Joomla-Joomlart, you will find they have all these scripts that recognize problematic browsers (mainly IE), and attempt to find a fix,

    That is the best that Joomla/Joomlart can do.

    The rest is upon us to ensure that our site does not break. We have to find a compromise — there is no exact viewing of the same site. There are also browser compatibility sites where we can test your creation.

    Using Tables common a long, long time ago… was a mode of somewhat ensuring layout fidelity. But, nested tables slows site presentation, so that even with tables, if a page in a site is very busy — too many whistles and bells, and lots of flash, videos, outside links, etc, the site is bound to break and look ugly.

    The trend to “tab less” scripting is even more prone to the problem. Think of a house with very flimsy framework to keep in place all those rooms stack together. Just a strong wind would scatter the parts. That is exactly what happens in a very busy sight, that appears like a Christmas tree.

    What we can do (that Jooma/Joomlart cannot do for us):

    You will find that when Joomla shows us their Demo templates, the layouts are perfect. They control the contents (e.g., image sizes, etc.), very strictly.

    Most of us do not always do that. If we use images that are not screen optimized. they can slow dow a page. Together with the already bulky templates, like Teline, think of a balloon that is being squeezed too much, it will bulge on one side.

    In websites, the equivalent would be a nice Teline site as shown in the demo literally crumbling as we create your site, if we abuse it or test their limit.

    Images and Galleries

    The gallery is one good example when we would encounter this. From my experience, a two- or three-column of images would usually work in Camino, Firefox, Safari snd Chrome but could break if you add just one more extra 1px width when viewed in Opera. Other browsers begin to break also, especially if the text (from nearby lateral positions) increase in size pushing the content of the next position. Normally, a text won’t do this, but try increasing the size of the text, and look at the headings text.

    Text size

    The setting in people’s browsers are likely different from yours, there is not fixed setting. In “tab less” webdesign. increased sized could be enough to break the layout, or make the headings partly hidden.

    You can easily test this with the “Headline” at the very top of the Teline IV. Keep on increasing the text size of the font in your browser, and there is a tipping point when the “Headline” module content will move to the (logo) header area. One solution I did, I removed the Updste at the top to provide more room for the “Headline”, There may be a need to adjust the css values to create room for explansion both in height or width. I plan to move the Search, and the CPanel also to give room for the “Headline” — If I decide to keep it.

    Field Testing

    So, when you start create your website, be sure to have the major browsers in your computer — Firefox, IE, Chrome, Safari, Camino, Opera, etc.

    Sort of “child proof” your site, or test the limits of your template. Perform tasks like increasing the font sizes, and how the optimized Demo layout will appear in different browsers. Adjust the sizes of your images, in a multi-column gallery or video position.

    Also, too many of these could slow down the site, and can cause lag presentation break in layout. Joomla/Joomlart cannot control this.

    When you click on your site, and it contracts before it expands to present a full page, this is symptomatic of some modules are not loading fast enough. You have too much content (whistles and bells) on the FrontPage or any page for that matter.

    This is a major cause of layout disintegrating.

    Such a page is likely to break, during the high traffic hours in the internet. Even commercial sites, like Barron’s, Fortune, etc. encounter these problems

    If this happens, we have to make the hard decisions. Do we really think our viewers will come to our site because you have all these clock, weather, stock market, summary comments, shoutbox, photogalleries, videos, etc. in the Frontpage?

    Content Matters — Layout is Secondary

    Craigslist sites are among the ugliest websites in the world, and Craigslist make no apologies. But, size wise, it is one of the most visited sites in the world, and quite profitable. E-Bay tried to attract audience away from Craigslist with its more “splashy” websites — very Joomla site or some of this “more primp” sites, but it was not very successful. So, it tried to takeover Craigslists

    In the latest that I read about Craigslist, there were a few years ago more than 300 independent sites all over the world, in large and small cities — all managed in San Francisco, by a dozen or so staff.

    Speed is the litmus test

    If the site is slow, it is likely to break during peak hours in the internet. One of my disappointments with Joomlart is that its template seem to keep getting more bulky with lots of whistles and bells. This is especially true with the Teline series.

    Consider this:

    Joomla 1.6 full with (four templates) Full Package 8.4 Mb
    Teline IV QuickStart (with Joomla 1.6) => 45.9 Mb

    The Teline IV template (and the other whistles and bells) which is supposed to just define the layout of the page, plus some “other minor tasks” added a whopping 37.5 MB.

    I assume the task of the Joomla software is even more complex than the scripts needed to define the layout of a template, and how the parts should communicate.

    And that is just the size. If you go into its innards, you can get lost and be deluged with nested directories.

    Three simple sentences in the footer require a gazillion files and perhaps about a dozen directories to perform.

    Won’t it be simpler to write the php scripts of the 3 footer statement in the template “index.php” — as Joomla, and many website template developers do?

    If you want Joomlart to help you, this bloat in the template size and complexity in scripting contributes to the slowness of Joomlart templates, more particularly the Teline III and IV series is an area that Joomlart can help you with.

    The site creation layout issues, that is something that you have to tackle.


    Phill Moderator

    Thanks for the PM.

    I have looked at your site in IE8, IE7 and FF and they look very similar. Are any specific pages causing problems or is everything not working for you? Do you have IE8 on your machine or are you using some sort of fake emulator?

    John Wesley Brett Moderator

    To be fair, Cornelio, the Quickstart contains far more than the Joomla Core and the Teline IV template.
    It also contains the T3-v2 Framework.

    And Quickstart is just that…a quick way to get the site up and running EXACTLY as the Demo.
    I would assume someone wouldn’t download the Quickstart if they thought the DEMO was too bogged down or slow. Perhaps they downloaded it BECAUSE of the many features.

    In any event, one can and should always disable those features they do not use.

    So while the initial size may seem large, at least you know you’ve got a Quickstart-ing point…and are not burdened by having to add each of the features individually.
    Which you can also do.
    That way…the Teline IV template…just 2mb. 🙂

    Have fun!

    kayz Friend

    Thank you all for your input. I have been playing with HTML and CSS for a very long time and i totally understand the frustration when something breaks and dosent look so in different browsers.

    The scenario.

    Just to reiterate the story, i started with a simple Joomla installation J1.5.14 last year with the JA Nickel template only which did not use the JAT. This worked across all browsers and even on my phone exactly as it should without any problems.

    Later down the line (last few weeks) I upgraded the Joomla files to 1.5.22 and installed the template only of JA Teline IV with the JAT3 plugin manually. First time using JAT3 i notice if i wanted to make some template changes i had to edit a line or two which was being controlled by JAT3 – which went well.

    So far the website was going very well.

    I then came to view the website on google chrome and alot of the things were missing, i went into the settings to see if JS was disabled or something.., i made no changes and simply came out.. i refreshed.. lo and behold the website came back to its original state. I thought maybe its a one off on the browser on that particular computer, but no the other computer running chrome had the same problem. :confused: However i can gladly say maybe it was just a ‘two-off’ on both computers as the website worked fine on other machines with chrome running on them.

    I have a dedicated server, its a windows 2003 OS running IE8. I viewed my updated website, the menu had overflown into two lines? Whereas all the other IE8’s on my local, home and office WinXP/Win7 computers are rendering the website fine keeping the menu at the top intact? But on the windows server machine the menu is broken into two?

    As i explained to Phill it gets even more baffling. I would have expected the windows server machine to render something wrong with my old 1.5.14 JA Nickel website surely?? – But no. The old website renders fine on the server machine but the new website dosent.. rendering the menu to break :confused:

    Everything else is fine and is displaying as it should, just the menu seems to break in IE8 on my windows server machine?

    Attached is the screenshot preview from my server machine running IE8, you will notice the menu is broken into two?

    My conclusion is. It has something to do with the OS the website is running on and JAT3 and possibly a JS or two.


    cgc0202 Friend

    <em>@jbrett 217248 wrote:</em><blockquote>To be fair, Cornelio, the Quickstart contains far more than the Joomla Core and the Teline IV template.
    It also contains the T3-v2 Framework.

    And Quickstart is just that…a quick way to get the site up and running EXACTLY as the Demo.
    I would assume someone wouldn’t download the Quickstart if they thought the DEMO was too bogged down or slow. Perhaps they downloaded it BECAUSE of the many features.

    In any event, one can and should always disable those features they do not use.

    So while the initial size may seem large, at least you know you’ve got a Quickstart-ing point…and are not burdened by having to add each of the features individually.
    Which you can also do.
    That way…the Teline IV template…just 2mb. 🙂

    Have fun!


    I always used the QuickStart kit because it never failed me. I have less success of installing the Joomla first (it always works too), but a few times in the past, I tried to add the Joomlart template via extensions installation, and I never did get it to work.

    I had that mindset last night, actually. I have a Sandbox of a freshly installed Joomla 1.6 with the default templates. Wow! They were very fast. It was night and day compared to Teline IV fully loaded,

    The only thing is that the templates are not geared for news-magazine algorithm. And, the layout of Teline IV is so much more improved with so many possibilities that I can imagine.

    I wanted to see what it would be like, if I have just the Joomla 1.6 and the Teline IV template. My concern is that the JAT3 scripting is so interlinked with what I can surmise as I follow the trail of commands.

    Anyway, just to satisfy my curiosity, I tried to install the Teline IV template to my previous Joomla 1.6 site, and I was getting an error. I tried more of the other extensions, and I get the same error. Supposedly the zip file is missing an .XML file. I unpacked the template sip file, and it appears complete.

    Your response though triggered an idea, or at least to find a way around the error message. I may try it tonight when I have some extra time.


    N.B. I was trying to sum up on my head the Joomla package and the individual Joomlart extensions, and they do not appear to add up to the total size of the QuickStart kit. I may place it on my spreadsheet to really ascertain — sometimes small things add up more than we realize.

    Phill Moderator

    Don’t forget to add in the demo content included in the quickstart Cornelio.

    John Wesley Brett Moderator

    <em>@kayz 217287 wrote:</em><blockquote>
    Here is the link to the latset version of my site, the menu breaks on the server machine for this: http://www.imageupload.co.uk/memo2/


    Kayz – I’m sorry but I cannot replicate your issue.
    My only thought is that you may have your local browser font sizes boosted.
    Hit CTRL + 0 (zero) to make sure you are seeing the normal size.

    Attached is how I am viewing the site.

    Best wishes,

    PS: An additional thought…since the banner above your menu seems to be doing some weird spacing, try turning it off temporarily. There is a slim chance it could be screwing with your viewing.
    I’m pretty sure that’s not it but anything is worth a try. 🙂

    cgc0202 Friend

    <em>@phill luckhurst 217298 wrote:</em><blockquote>Don’t forget to add in the demo content included in the quickstart Cornelio.</blockquote>


    I was reviewing the files just now — the Joomla full package, the Teline iv full QuickStart package, and the individual Joomlart extensions. I am getting to see the way the QuickStart Package is created.

    Where exactly is the Demo content package?

    As I was doing this, another more basic question came to mind:

    What basic set of Joomla and minimum Joomlart Teline IV features are needed to create a basic functional newsmagazine site?

    I will post this as a separate thread, and please kindly ask the creators of Teline IV to engage in the discussion.

    KIndly extend my congratulations to the Teline IV team also and to Hung for this creation. Once yo remove the whistles and bells, the basic layout is quite elegant in its simplicity. It included many features that I have been asking for since Teline I. The Teline IV iteration however still messed up some and/or deleted some features that I consider the staples of the Teline series.

    I would prefer a much simpler JA News layout for example. It is more amenable to customization to create different modules to any position.

    GavickPro created such basic three sets of news modules. In fact, only one news module is needed because the other two are just color and typography modifications to create the GavickPro concept of webdesign — very British (but I think he was originally from South Africa) and very elegant like the creation of Ive’s in Apple.

    I tried to integrate the Gavick News module with the Teline series, when I was frustrated with the Teline III News module, but there seems to be some incompatibility. Gavick Pro does not have any interest in creating a newsmagazine template though. The principal owner is more a webdesigner than a software programmer, so that may a limitation he recognized. Thus, I stopped using their templates, because I am more interested with a real newsmagazine portal template.


    The basic question, I asked above, is in a way related to the issues that Kayz is grappling with. I visited her(his) site and I can see the issues that could be causing the problems. The sites have too many constantly streaming (refreshing) features that hog system CPU, I was told by my webhosting service.

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This topic contains 17 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  kayz 13 years, 11 months ago.

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