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  • edd Friend

    I just upload a quick install of edenite (1.0.15 – V1.2), all goes fne, I created articles, sections, etc.
    But when I was trying to create a new user (giving administrator level) there was a strange bug, I had a white page and the new member was on superadmin level. No way to enter into this new member or even try to change password or level.
    So I had to erase the new member and try again… and again the same white screen, and after some seconds a message saying I dont have the right to create members :confused:

    Later I was trying to create a contact (components contact): just giving address, telephone number and postal code. The contact form doesnt appear.
    I checked and uncheked all options (parameter, show-hide) into the component and into the menu.
    So the problem is that the form appears if I put ALL information (I dont need to show all information, I just need to use the form), i f I desabe just one information (fax for example) the form doesnt appear… :confused:

    Worst: form doesnt send email!!!!!


    So, anybody has any idea?… thanks for replys


    mj1256 Friend

    not enough info to know for sure, but this sounds like a database issue.

    it may be an older incompatible version of mysql

    maybe the database connector is corrupt

    database permissions are not set, did you assign permissions to the db user when you set up the database

    have you gone to cpanel and tried to run a repair on the database?

    edd Friend

    Hi mj1256,

    thanks for your reply…

    I’m really really apologize :-[

    Don’t really knows what happens, but after my message in this forum I had a terrible headache and I turn off the machine and went out to take some fresh air…
    Two hours later I was trying to see the problem again, and I test again the site, and… IT IS WORKING! :confused:

    I dont understand, is this normal?, Do you think problems could back again?, or do you think it is kind of hosting database problem? (Mysql version is 4.1.11 I’m hosted in mediatemple)

    Thanks for reply and sorry again!!! :-[

    edd Friend

    :confused: euhhhmmm
    no body has any idea?, any comment?

    Thanks :((

    mj1256 Friend

    it could be anything, the hosting setup, the database, connections, but if it is working, don’t worry about it.

    edd Friend

    OK thanks for your help ! 😉

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

This topic contains 6 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  edd 16 years, 4 months ago.

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