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  • scotty Friend

    I downloaded Mesolite over the weekend to start a new site I’m doing and was surprised to straight away come across some simple bugs.

    Can JA please fix these for future downloads!?!

    1. The Problem: JA_Slidesow will not work in ‘Random’.
    2. The Fix: Open modules/mod_jaslideshow/mod_jaslideshow.xml and find…

      <param name="sort" type="list" default="0" label="Sort Order" description="The sort order of the images">
      <option value="">Random</option>
      <option value="1">Ascending</option>
      <option value="2">Descending</option>

      and change to…

      <param name="sort" type="list" default="0" label="Sort Order" description="The sort order of the images">
      <option value="0">Random</option>
      <option value="1">Ascending</option>
      <option value="2">Descending</option>

      You will need to open the module manager and select one of the other options – save – and then select random – and save again for this to work.

    3. The Problem: Vituemart style sheet is not loaded on the front page so Discounted Prices are displayed wrong.
    4. The Fix: Open mesolite in your template manager and add the following line inside the <head> tag.

      <link href="components/com_virtuemart/fetchscript.php?gzip=0&subdir[0]=/themes/ja-mesolite&file[0]=theme.css&subdir[1]=/js/mootools&file[1]=mooPrompt.css&subdir[2]=/js/slimbox/css&file[2]=slimbox.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />

    I’ll post more as I come across them and please Joomart repair these faults in the template download.

    sfpkent Friend

    Hi scotty,

    Thank you very much. It really helps! 🙂

    markb1439 Friend

    Thank you. Very, very helpful.

    2khaat Friend

    thank you very very very much!!!!!

    wooohanetworks Friend

    Were those bugs actually fixed yet by Joomlart.com?

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)

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