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  • simbus82 Friend

    I found a bug in T3V3 1.0.1 (Latest version released today).

    I’m using this plugin with latest Joomla 3 build with the template Blank, updated at its latest version too.

    – In General i have set to enable Developer Mode and Responsive Mode. Disabled CSS Compression and Theme Magic. So the ambient is ready for developing.
    – In Layout i ho to change the number of blocks in the spotlight-1.
    – I click on Save.

    At this time i see that a file default.ini is created in /templates/ja_t3v3_blank/etc/layout, so i think T3 write this file correctly. I opened it and i view the right settings that i have saved.

    So if i go to the frontend site, i see the right things.

    BUT if now i go to see the Layout tab in admin, i noticed that the positions & layout are returned to its “defaults”. 😮

    Same things happen if i resize span in the Responsive Layout tab.

    File .ini is writed right (ehm… with a 777 permission :(( very unsecure!!!). But in admin all return to default.

    Obviousy if i click save another time (beacuse i have changed other settings) the default.ini is saved with “layout&positions deafults” settings!!!

    So the problem is not in the writing of the file /templates/ja_t3v3_blank/etc/layout/default.ini

    But is in the fact that the framework DON’T READS this .ini file to re-use its information in admin to compose the “layout spans & rows preview”.

    Enabling FTP (other unsecure thing to do!) don’t change things.
    The problem is… how the framework read settings stored in this .ini file.

    Please could you check where is the problem? :-[

    PS; i have the same problem in a Joomla 2.5.8 site with t3v3 1.0.1 and Blank 1.0.0

    micker Friend

    same error
    first modification work, after i save a new style no problem but after modification doesn’t write anything in variable-custom.less
    font doesn’t (i try google font)
    module background : nothing

    thanks for helping

    simbus82 Friend


    I need to bump beacuse it is a very bad & blocking error…

    simbus82 Friend

    maybe the errors are here

    JoomlaROOT /plugins/system/jat3v3/includes/core/template.php

    From row 44

    * Class constructor
    * @param object $template Current template instance
    public function __construct($template = null)
    $this->_layoutsettings = new JRegistry;

    if ($template) {
    $this->_tpl = $template;
    // merge layout setting

    $layout = JFactory::getApplication()->input->getCmd('t3layout', '');
    $layout = $template->params->get('mainlayout', 'default');
    $fconfig = JPATH_ROOT . '/templates/' . $template->template . '/etc/layout/' . $layout . '.ini';
    $this->_layoutsettings->loadString (JFile::read($fconfig), 'INI', array('processSections' => true));

    This is the function that read the .ini file.

    Maybe this function read always only the default settings and not the settings stored in /templates/ja_t3v3_blank/etc/layout/

    simbus82 Friend

    I hope in some news about this problem :-((

    Wall Crasher Developer

    Hi simbus82,

    Please pm me admin and FTP account of site you’re working on, I will check for you.


    kelark Friend

    I am having the exact same problem. Changes are made to the ini file but not to the layout view. It is frustrating because the progress reverts back whenever I modify another position.

    Wall Crasher Developer

    Hi kelark,

    I would like to take a look on your site.
    Since we and many people do not have the problem as yours. I would like to discover your case and will fix it.
    It would be terrific help if you could provide ftp/admin information.


    Wall Crasher Developer


    Please try to update your FTP information in Global Configuration.
    If you are not sure about this information, please disable it.

    Try again and please tell me result.


    michaelbud Friend

    I am having the same problem as well. Is there a solution to this? The Layout settings keep resetting to default.

    Wall Crasher Developer

    Hi michaelbud,

    Please check your file permission first.
    And, please tell me which template you are using?
    And if possible, please provide ftp/admin for me to check. It will help us improve T3.


    jjam Friend


    i’m using Reviver template.

    This is Framework Information:
    Name:T3 Framework
    Released Date:06 December 2013

    I’ve the same problem, After reopening the template configuration, all changes are lost in Responsive layout.

    any idea to solve it?

    thanks in advance.

    Wall Crasher Developer

    @ jjam,

    It would be better to BACKUP your site and upgrade T3 to the latest version v2.1.0
    It you still have issues, please pm me admin/ftp credentials. I will help to debug.

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