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  • cgc0202 Friend


    The site was working nicely Joomla 10x-JA Teline II. I was renaming the old Sections names and Categories. I made sure that the changes in the Sections and Categories are reflected in the Magazine menu changes.

    I rearranged the order of the Sections in the JA News Module.

    One of the Section names that I changed was “News” => “Noon at Ngayon”. I changed this also in the Magazine Menu. So far so good.

    Note that “News “=> now “Noon at Ngayon” => Section ID number 1 is not in the JA News module.

    Thus, I went back again to JA News Module, to include

    1: red

    I moved some of the “working” Sections. And then Saved my changes.

    The JA News portion in the Home Page just vanished. The JA Module itself is in the Module manager, and is published

    However, as you can view here the JA News in the Home Page is missing


    I included the Content of Group by Category or Section Category Section


    This is the second time this happened (the first incident was in a different site). This seems to be unique in my Joomla 1.0x-JA Teline II and I never encountered any disappearing “module” in my existing Joomla 1.0x-Gavick News or Joomla 1.5x-Gavick News nor my earlier Joomla1.0x-original JA Teline sites.

    Definitely therefore, this is a JA Teline II related bug

    In the previous one, I uninstalled and re-installed the JA News template. That was how I found that the stand alone template has its own problems.

    When it happened the first time, I was able to solve the problem. However, when nothing was working to remedy the problem, as a last resort, I had to do the uninstall and re-install. But this solution does not help me identify the problem because the incident that triggered the first one was entirely different from the incident described here.

    Also, yhe site above is currently being used by the group, and they will “kill” me if I completely mess it up. So, I would be interested to know what caused the problem, and how to resolve it without doing the uninstall and re-install process.



    kashxo Friend

    Hello cgc0202,
    Could you please provide me an administrator account to your site?
    Thank you.

    cgc0202 Friend

    <em>@kashxo 61834 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hello cgc0202,
    Could you please provide me an administrator account to your site?
    Thank you.</blockquote>

    Thanks for responding kashxo,

    It is not my site actually, although I prepared it and serve as SuperAdmin. I just help a group of seniors who were classmates and wanted a nice private website where they can chat freely — that is in another website right now.

    So, the decision is not entirely mine, without first asking their consent as a group. I will try to get hold of them later tonight.

    They are a stickler about security and do not want others to view some of the contents. One reason why I cannot use Joomla 1.5x for this site is that the Community Builder does not have a native stable version (still CB 1.2RC), so I cannot implement a secure login.

    Is there a way to diagnose the problem based on the information provided?

    If it cannot be diagnosed based on what transpired and the symptoms, I will talk to them later tonight to see if they will allow an outsider to have access to the Administrator section.

    I should have an answer tomorrow. In the meantime, if you have any inkling as to what might cause this, I would appreciate this.


    N.B. Let me try to trigger the same problem by installing another site.

    cgc0202 Friend

    Other common events that transpired in the two sites where the JA News section vanished in the Home Page was my effort to include the Gavick Modules, especially the slide show used in Gavick Pro News.

    The ones who had seen the JA Teline II site liked it a lot, especially when some of their contents were added — they were trying to transfer the contents of their old site using the original JA Teline. They also have a site using the GavickPro News Portal, and they like the Slide Show there plus the Shout Box that they use a lot is in the Gavick Pro site.

    Anyway, they asked me if I could place the slide show also in the new JA Teline II site that we just started. So, that was what I tried to do last week. The bottom line:

    The Gavick Pro modules installed; in their site, I just installed the Slide Show. I can add images, caption and links, and after that, I can even place the Gavick SlideShow above the JA Front Page. Everything works, except the captions were not displaying properly. I tried it with two sample images and two captions, the two images undergo auto slide show but both captions were showing at the same time.

    Because it was not working, I abandoned the attempt. I uninstalled the Gavick Slide Show (both module and component), and everything was back to normal, like how the Demo page would look like.

    That was last week, and we have added a few more stuff. Everything was working. Then, this morning, I was modifying the Sections and Categories names, after I changed the layout of the JA News content, as outlined in the original thread, the JA News part of the Home Page just vanished. The module itself was in the Modules manager, and published.

    Previous site:

    Essentially the same thing was done with the other site, except I added all the Gavick Pro extensions — slide show, (component and module), News module and the tab-mod (for multiple modules). All three installed successfully. But, while I was able to create a slide show, the same problems occured as outlined above. I uninstalled the slide show, and focused my attention on the other two modules

    The Gavick News module worked and I could place existing articles and use the versatile format of the module; but for some reason the articles included in the Gavick News module are not linked to the respective section or category when a link was clicked. Undaunted, I believe I made copies of the Gavick News then tried to place this renamed clones in the right side (I believe user 7 position).

    It was during these several attempts of exploring where I could place the module that the JA News just disappeared. I uninstalled the Gavick News Module as well as the untried Gavic Tabmod; did empty cache and turned off my computer, cleared all contents of cache then restarted. Did this several times, several days — but no dice.

    The JA News portion that vanished would not show up. The only thing that worked was to uninstall the existing JA Teline II template and reinstall it again. It looks though that there were some bugs with the independent template, as reported. So that I decided to just start a new QuickInstall instead, which I found easier than trying to patch the problems with the independently installed JA Teline II template.


    Khanh Le Moderator

    Hi Cornelio,
    It is difficult for us to analyze the problem without accessing the backend. Please PM me an temporary administrator account so I could take a deep look.

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